Galatians 5:1
STAND FAST; be firm, steadfast, and persevering. YOKE OF BONDAGE; to Jewish ceremonies.... [ Continue Reading ]
STAND FAST; be firm, steadfast, and persevering. YOKE OF BONDAGE; to Jewish ceremonies.... [ Continue Reading ]
IF YE BE CIRCUMCISED; that is, circumcised as a profession of your dependence for salvation on the law of Moses. Acts 15:1. It was not against the simple rite of circumcision that the apostle contended, for Timothy was circumcised under his direction as a prudential measure, to avoid the prejudices... [ Continue Reading ]
HE IS A DEBTOR TO DO THE WHOLE LAW; for by circumcision he professes his dependence on his works for salvation, and must therefore perfectly obey the whole law. Salvation, if obtained, will then be of debt, not of grace. Chap Galatians 3:12; ROMANS 4:4.... [ Continue Reading ]
JUSTIFIED BY THE LAW; are depending upon the law for justification. FALLEN FROM GRACE; have renounced God's gracious mode of justification through faith in Christ.... [ Continue Reading ]
WE; true Christians. RIGHTEOUSNESS; the righteousness which God gives through faith. Romans 1:17. True Christians to the end of life depend on Christ for salvation, and expect it only through faith in him. Those who depend on their works, must through their whole lives neglect no duty and commit no... [ Continue Reading ]
IN JESUS CHRIST; in obtaining salvation through him. FAITH WHICH WORKETH BY LOVE; that confidence in him which has love for its foundation, and which leads to obedience.... [ Continue Reading ]
THIS PERSUASION; that it was needful to be circumcised and observe Jewish rites in order to be saved. OF HIM THAT CALLETH YOU; of God.... [ Continue Reading ]
A LITTLE LEAVEN; error introduced by a few false teachers. LEAVENETH THE WHOLE LUMP; corrupts the whole body of the church. As error begun in a church tends to increase and to corrupt the whole, it should be renounced and abandoned as soon as discovered; and all should watch and be on their guard a... [ Continue Reading ]
NONE OTHERWISE MINDED; that they would, on reflection, agree with him in this matter. HE THAT TROUBLETH YOU; by propagating error. BEAR HIS JUDGMENT; receive punishment.... [ Continue Reading ]
IF I YET PREACH; that circumcision is needful to salvation, as the false teachers maintained. THEN; if he had so preached he would have agreed with the Jews, and escaped their persecutions.... [ Continue Reading ]
LIBERTY; freedom for Jewish ceremonies, and from the condemning power of the law. FOR AN OCCASION TO THE FLESH; as a pretext for the indulgence of fleshly lusts. The apostle is careful to distinguish between true Christian liberty from the bondage of Judaism and Antinomian licentiousness. SERVE; d... [ Continue Reading ]
ALL THE LAW; the requirements of the law with regard to our fellow-men.... [ Continue Reading ]
IF YE BITE AND DEVOUR; contend with and injure one another.... [ Continue Reading ]
WALK IN THE SPIRIT; live under his influence and follow his directions. NOT FULFILL THE LUST OF THE FLESH; not follow sinful inclinations or comply with temptations to sin.... [ Continue Reading ]
LUSTETH AGAINST; strongly desires what the Holy Spirit forbids. THE SPIRIT AGAINST THE FLESH; the Holy Spirit and all that is right in Christians oppose the indulgence of sinful desires. Hence a warfare in the soul, and thus they do not the good they otherwise would, and which they desire to do. Co... [ Continue Reading ]
LED OF THE SPIRIT; follow his guidance. NOT UNDER THE LAW; as a covenant of works, but are delivered from its condemning power. No one is delivered from the condemning power of the law, or overcomes the corruptions of his heart, except under the influence of the Holy Spirit.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE WORKS OF THE FLESH; those to which corrupt human nature prompts, and when not restrained, produces.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT; that which he produces in those who follow his guidance.... [ Continue Reading ]
HAVE CRUCIFIED THE FLESH; have, through grace, overcome the reigning power of sin, and are now habitually weakening and destroying its influence.... [ Continue Reading ]
IF WE LIVE IN THE SPIRIT; if our inner life be in the Spirit; that is, received from the Spirit, sustained by him, and conformed to him in character. LET US ALSO WALK IN THE SPIRIT; let our outward life also be in the Spirit; in other words, let it be conformed to him in character, so that our inwa... [ Continue Reading ]
VAINGLORY; empty applause, which puffs up with pride. PROVOKING ONE ANOTHER; by claims of superiority, or haughty, imperious behavior. ENVYING ONE ANOTHER; for any real or supposed excellence or distinction. For every thing excellent and praise worthy, men are indebted to the grace of God. They ha... [ Continue Reading ]