YE WHICH ARE SPIRITUAL; advanced in Christian knowledge and
experience. The most spiritual Christians, and those most advanced in
knowledge and piety, are still exposed to aggravated sins. This should
make them kind and compassionate towards all sinners, and active in
efforts to reclaim them. It sho... [ Continue Reading ]
ONE ANOTHER'S BURDENS; of weakness, temptation, and sorrow.
THE LAW OF CHRIST; to love one another as he has loved them. John
15:12.... [ Continue Reading ]
THINK HIMSELF TO BE SOMETHING; have a high conceit of his own
knowledge and attainments as a Christian.... [ Continue Reading ]
PROVE HIS OWN WORK; put it to the test by comparing it with God's
word, the Bible.
THEN; if it is shown by that to be right.
IN HIMSELF ALONE; in the evidence which he has of his own conformity
in heart and life to God's truth.
AND NOT IN ANOTHER; not in his fancied superiority over his neighbor.... [ Continue Reading ]
HIS OWN BURDEN; the load imposed on him by his own sins. The word in
the original is different from that used in verse Galatians 6:2.... [ Continue Reading ]
ALL GOOD THINGS; things needful for his support.... [ Continue Reading ]
IS NOT MOCKED; will not allow men to trifle with him or his
requirements.... [ Continue Reading ]
SOWETH TO HIS FLESH; by the indulgence of the lusts of his flesh.
Compare chap Galatians 5:19-21.
OF THE FLESH; as the result of sowing to it.
REAP CORRUPTION; corruption in the widest sense, the ruin of body and
SOWETH TO THE SPIRIT; by devoting himself to the works of the Spirit,
chap Gal... [ Continue Reading ]
IN DUE SEASON; the proper time, that which God has appointed to give
the reward.... [ Continue Reading ]
A FAIR SHOW IN THE FLESH; in outward observances, and thus to be in
good repute with men of fleshly minds.
LEST THEY SHOULD SUFFER; persecution from the Jews, if they neglected
circumcision and preached the doctrines of the cross. False teachers
refrain from proclaiming the truth as it is in Jesus,... [ Continue Reading ]
GLORY IN YOUR FLESH; in having induced you to be circumcised, and thus
to join their party.... [ Continue Reading ]
BY WHOM; or, by which, referring to the cross.
THE WORLD IS CRUCIFIED; has lost its power to control me, and I my
desire to follow it.... [ Continue Reading ]
IN CHRIST JESUS; chap Galatians 5:6.
A NEW CREATURE; John 3:3; 2 CORINTHIANS 5:17.... [ Continue Reading ]
THIS RULE; the truth which he had declared.
THE ISRAEL OF GOD; all his true worshippers.... [ Continue Reading ]
LET NO MAN TROUBLE ME; with such opposition as he had received from
false teachers.
THE MARKS OF THE LORD JESUS; scars of the wounds he had received in
the cause of Christ, on account of his attachment to him and his zeal
in serving him. Those who have been created in Christ Jesus unto good
works,... [ Continue Reading ]