No place of repentance; whether we refer the word repentance to Esau, as some do, or with others, to Isaac, the sense remains substantially the same. In the former case the meaning will be that Esau could not make his own repentance avail to change his father's mind; in the latter, that he could not induce Isaac to repent by taking the blessing of the birthright from Jacob, and giving it to him. He had sold it for a mess of pottage, and it was gone for ever. Genesis 27:34-40. So would be the blessings of following Christ, if they should renounce him to escape suffering or to enjoy worldly good. Great care, watchfulness, and prayer, are needful even in Christians, lest they should fail of heaven; and great effort is needful in sinners, however high their privileges and however enlightened or closely connected with Christians they may be, in order to enter and pursue the way that leads to life.

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Old Testament