The golden censer; in which the high-priest burned incense within the veil on the great day of atonement. Leviticus 16:12. It seems to have been kept in the holy of holies; but however this may have been, it belonged to its furniture, and is properly reckoned to it. Leviticus 16:12.

The ark; Exodus 25:10-16.

The golden pot; Exodus 16:33-34.

Aaron's rod; Numbers 17:5; Numbers 17:8; Numbers 17:10.

Tables of the covenant; the two tables of stone containing the ten commandments. Exodus 25:21; Exodus 40:20. When Solomon removed the ark into the temple which he had built, there was nothing in it but these two tables. 1 Kings 8:9; 2 Chronicles 5:10. But it would seem that it originally contained the pot of manna and Aaron's rod.

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Old Testament