TEMPTATIONS; trials suited to develop their character, and if rightly
borne, to make them better. God does not afflict or expose his
children to temptation because he takes pleasure in their distresses
or exposures, but for their benefit, that they may be made wiser and
better; and although no trial... [ Continue Reading ]
THE TRYING OF YOUR FAITH; that is, when the trial is rightly endured.
PATIENCE; in its usual scriptural sense of steadfast endurance.... [ Continue Reading ]
HAVE HER PERFECT WORK; produce its full and appropriate effects,
through your enduring to the end all the trials which God appoints to
you. Matthew 24:13.
PERFECT AND ENTIRE; complete in all parts of the Christian character.... [ Continue Reading ]
LACK WISDOM; to feel and act rightly under all circumstances,
especially in trials.
TO ALL; who ask according to God's directions. All who have the Bible
may be made wise to salvation, and be guided aright in all their
concerns. If they are not, it is because they do not aright seek
wisdom from the... [ Continue Reading ]
IN FAITH; in confidence that God will do as he has declared, and give
to those who thus ask him the wisdom which they need.
NOTHING WAVERING; not doubting the truth of his declarations.
LIKE A WAVE; not fixed or settled in purposes, plans, or efforts.... [ Continue Reading ]
DOUBLE - MINDED; one who halts between faith and unbelief.... [ Continue Reading ]
OF LOW DEGREE; afflicted and depressed in his circumstances.
EXALTED; spiritually, by being made a partaker of the heavenly
inheritance.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE RICH; in worldly possessions.
MADE LOW; spiritually, by being brought into a lowly and humble state
of mind. The apostle exhibits, in this and the preceding verse, the
two sides of Christian character which are appropriate to the two
conditions of rich and poor.... [ Continue Reading ]
FADE AWAY; earthly glory is transient; and a man may well rejoice in
what leads him to feel this, and secure the glory which is abiding.
Thus will the poor be kept from envying the rich, and the rich from
glorying in their wealth and despising the poor.... [ Continue Reading ]
ENDURETH TEMPTATION; bears his trials with a right spirit.... [ Continue Reading ]
WHEN HE IS TEMPTED; to commit sin.
NEITHER TEMPTETH HE ANY MAN; to commit sin: that is not God's design
in sending trials, or in any thing he does: what he does is designed
to promote holiness and happiness. If men commit sin, or grow worse
under any of his dealings, they pervert and abuse them; th... [ Continue Reading ]
OF HIS OWN LUST; his desire to obtain something which he cannot
without doing wrong.... [ Continue Reading ]
LUST; the inward desire of the soul after forbidden objects, here
considered as the parent of sinful deeds.
SIN; in the life.
IS FINISHED; in its consequences.
DEATH; eternal death, which is, to all who continue in sin, its proper
result.... [ Continue Reading ]
DO NOT ERR; in the matter now under consideration, by thinking of God
as if he could tempt to sin.... [ Continue Reading ]
EVERY GOOD GIFT-IS FROM ABOVE; God is the author of every thing in men
which is good, and they are the authors of every thing in them which
is evil.... [ Continue Reading ]
BEGAT HE US; by the regeneration of our souls, and thus made us his
spiritual children.
WITH THE WORD OF TRUTH; which is the instrument of his Spirit.
A KIND OF FIRST - FRUITS; the gospel was first preached to the Jews,
and the primitive believers were, like the first sheaf offered at the
sanctuar... [ Continue Reading ]
WHEREFORE; in consistency with your new character as God's children.
SWIFT TO HEAR; the instructions which God gives him.
SLOW TO SPEAK; either by way of usurping the office of a teacher, chap
James 3:1, or of censure, chap James 3:9-10. Both these faults proceed
from pride, and are allied to sinf... [ Continue Reading ]
ALL FILTHINESS; of flesh and spirit, 2 Corinthians 7:1.
SUPERFLUITY OF NAUGHTINESS; malice in the heart flowing out in the
THE ENGRAFTED WORD; the word of divine truth engrafted-or, as some
render, implanted-into your hearts, as a heavenly stock which is to
bear fruits of righteousness. It i... [ Continue Reading ]
HE BEHOLDETH; the gospel shows a man himself.
FORGETTETH; if a man does not obey the gospel, its impressions on him
will be short.... [ Continue Reading ]
LOOKETH INTO; looketh closely into. The apostle means a practical
looking, that is, connected with obedience.
THE PERFECT LAW OF LIBERTY; the gospel, which gives true freedom to
the soul, and is a perfect rule of action. That it delivers the soul
from the bondage of the Mosaic law is also true, but... [ Continue Reading ]
BRIDLETH NOT HIS TONGUE; does not regulate it by the revealed will of
DECEIVETH HIS OWN HEART; by thinking that he is pious, when he
continues to cherish and indulge a slanderous spirit.... [ Continue Reading ]
PURE RELIGION; he described religion by its fruits, and that on two
sides: first, that of love and mercy; secondly, that of purity from
worldly defilements.
FATHERLESS AND WIDOWS; these represent all objects of Christian
compassion and kindness.
FROM THE WORLD; from all the enticements to sin whic... [ Continue Reading ]