The theme of this chapter is the character and office of the good
shepherd of God's spiritual fold, of which Christ himself is the great
example. The reader should study, in connection with it, Jeremiah
23:1-6; and especially Ezekiel 34:1-31.
ENTERETH NOT BY THE DOOR; the Saviour has in view men lik... [ Continue Reading ]
HE THAT ENTERETH IN BY THE DOOR; every true shepherd. Christ, the
chief Shepherd, must not be excluded; for he is an example to all the
under shepherds in this respect also, that he has entered the fold by
the door. Compare chap John 8:42; John 12:49.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE PORTER; the door-keeper. As he comes by God's authority, God's
providence prepares the way for him, and God's Spirit sets his seal to
his labors.
BY NAME; an allusion to the practice of eastern shepherds, who give
names to their sheep.... [ Continue Reading ]
Real Christians have spiritual discernment and relish of the great
truths of the gospel. No instruction, however plausible or learned,
which denies or omits the doctrine of Christ crucified, as a divine
atoning Saviour, satisfies them, commends itself to their conscience,
if enlightened, or meets th... [ Continue Reading ]
STRANGERS; false, irreligious teachers.... [ Continue Reading ]
UNDERSTOOD NOT; the meaning of what he had been saying. He therefore
proceeded to explain it, and in so doing he changed the figure
somewhat, representing himself as the door.... [ Continue Reading ]
I AM THE DOOR; as the Father is the door to Christ, so he himself is
the door to the under-shepherds and to all the sheep. Through him
alone can men enter his church or the ministry which he has appointed.... [ Continue Reading ]
CAME BEFORE ME; without entering the door. See note to verse John
THE SHEEP DID NOT HEAR THEM; the truly pious did not receive their
false doctrines, or imitate their corrupt examples.... [ Continue Reading ]
FIND PASTURE; receive spiritual food, satisfying good.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE THIEF; one who takes the emoluments of the sacred office without
performing its spiritual duties, and seeks his own aggrandizement, not
the salvation of souls.
LIFE; spiritual, eternal life.... [ Continue Reading ]
I AM THE GOOD SHEPHERD; in respect to the power of admission to God's
fold, Christ has declared himself to be the door; in respect to his
care over those within the fold, he now, by another change of the
figure, calls himself "the good Shepherd"-the Shepherd of shepherds
and of the flock, and the so... [ Continue Reading ]
A HIRELING; one whose great object in preaching is his own interest.
THE WOLF; the enemy of God and his people.... [ Continue Reading ]
I-KNOW MY SHEEP, AND AM KNOWN OF MINE; the knowledge of Christ and his
people is mutual, and it is a knowledge of deep love and interest. The
union between Christ and his people is intimate and unfailing. It
resembles, in many respects, that between the Father and the Son. It
is the fruit of the Spi... [ Continue Reading ]
NOT OF THIS FOLD; those who as yet knew not God, especially from
gentile nations. Isaiah 56:8.... [ Continue Reading ]
NO MAN TAKETH IT; no man had power to take his life till he should
voluntarily surrender himself to crucifixion and death.
THIS COMMANDMENT HAVE I RECEIVED; he was commissioned of God to die
for the sins of men, and rise again for their justification. He had
the power, disposition, and right to do... [ Continue Reading ]
IS MAD; beside himself, through the influence of an evil spirit.... [ Continue Reading ]
FEAST OF THE DEDICATION; this was a feast instituted by Judas
Maccabaeus about one hundred and sixty-five years before Christ, in
commemoration of the purification of the temple, and its renewed
dedication to the worship of Jehovah, after it had been desecrated by
idol-worship and the offering in it... [ Continue Reading ]
SOLOMON'S PORCH; a portico on the east side of the temple.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE WORKS; miracles.
BEAR WITNESS; prove me to be the Messiah.... [ Continue Reading ]
NOT OF MY SHEEP; not my true followers. The reason why some who hear
the gospel reject it and discard its fundamental truths, is, they have
not the temper which the gospel inculcates, and do not perform the
duties which it requires.... [ Continue Reading ]
IS GREATER THAN ALL; see note to chap John 14:28.... [ Continue Reading ]
I AM MY FATHER; the Jews rightly understood him to call God his
Father, and himself the Son of God, in such a sense that he was equal
with God. Compare chap. John 5:18.
ARE ONE; in nature, counsel, will and operation.... [ Continue Reading ]
MAKEST THYSELF GOD; claimest to be divine, equal with the Father.... [ Continue Reading ]
YOUR LAW; the Old Testament scriptures. Psalms 82:6.... [ Continue Reading ]
UNTO WHOM THE WORD OF GOD CAME; who were appointed and commissioned to
act as his agents in ruling and administering justice in his stead
among men.
CANNOT BE BROKEN; cannot be set aside as speaking improperly when it
calls magistrates gods on account of their office. The term is always
used in suc... [ Continue Reading ]
SANCTIFIED; set apart to the office of the Redeemer of lost men.
SENT INTO THE WORLD; to do the work of the Messiah.
BECAUSE I SAID, I AM THE SON OF GOD; the argument is from the less to
the greater: If mere men were called gods because the word of God came
to them, how much more may he who is one... [ Continue Reading ]
THE WORKS OF MY FATHER; divine works-the works of God.
BELIEVE ME NOT; admit not my claim to be the Son of God. Jesus Christ,
by the performance of divine works, proved himself to be divine, the
Messiah, the Son of God, the Saviour of men. His claiming this
character, therefore, instead of being bl... [ Continue Reading ]
BELIEVE NOT ME; that is, my declaration concerning myself.
THE FATHER IS IN ME, AND I IN HIM; that we are one, as I declared to
you, verse John 10:30.... [ Continue Reading ]
THEY SOUGHT AGAIN TO TAKE HIM; because he still claimed to be the
Messiah, the Son of God, truly divine-because he claimed to be what
John, under the guidance of the Holy Ghost, at the beginning of this
gospel declared him to be, God-in the language of Paul, "over all, God
blessed for ever." Romans... [ Continue Reading ]