THESE WORDS; the words contained in the preceding Chapter s.
THE HOUR; the time for his suffering and death.
GLORIFY THY SON; by sustaining him in his coming trials, and showing
that he is indeed the Messiah.
MAY GLORIFY THEE; in making known thy salvation, and preparing
multitudes for glory.... [ Continue Reading ]
POWER OVER ALL; for the salvation of his people. Matthew 28:18; John
5:21; John 6:37; John 6:40; John 10:15-16.... [ Continue Reading ]
THIS IS LIFE ETERNAL; the right knowledge of God and Jesus Christ
gives endless spiritual life to the soul. The knowledge of God and of
Jesus Christ is as important to men as their eternal salvation. Hence,
it is the duty of those who have this knowledge, to aid in imparting
it to all people; and al... [ Continue Reading ]
GLORIFIED THEE ON THE EARTH; by doing in all things what he was
commissioned of the Father to do.
FINISHED THE WORK; the work to which he was appointed.... [ Continue Reading ]
BEFORE THE WORLD WAS; PHILIPPIANS 2:6.... [ Continue Reading ]
I HAVE MANIFESTED THY NAME; thy whole character and attributes; for
these are all comprehended in God's name.
THE MEN; his disciples, especially the apostles.... [ Continue Reading ]
ALL THINGS-ARE OF THEE; they understood the truth, which the Saviour
had so often maintained against his persecutors, that all his mighty
works were wrought not merely of himself, but in accordance with the
commission he had received from the Father. Chap John 5:19; John 5:30;
John 5:36; John 7:28;... [ Continue Reading ]
THE WORDS WHICH THOU GAVEST ME; the instructions which he was
commissioned to impart. The reception of the doctrines revealed, and
the performance of the duties required by Jesus Christ, are evidences
of our being given to him of the Father; they increase our knowledge
of him and love to him as a Sa... [ Continue Reading ]
I PRAY FOR THEM; his disciples.
NOT FOR THE WORLD; the wicked. He did not at this time pray for his
enemies, but for his friends.... [ Continue Reading ]
I AM GLORIFIED IN THEM; on their side, by their reception of me as a
Saviour, and committing themselves and all their interests to my
guidance and disposal; on my side, by the manifestation which I make
in them of my power and love, in sanctifying them, giving them the
victory over the world and Sat... [ Continue Reading ]
THROUGH THINE OWN NAME; see note to verse John 17:6.... [ Continue Reading ]
I KEPT THEM IN THY NAME; by the manifestation of thy character and
will in my instructions and example.
SON OF PERDITION; Judas, whose ruin was foretold in the Scriptures.
Psalms 109:8; ACTS 1:20. Those manifestations of God by which he makes
known his character and will, the duty and blessedness o... [ Continue Reading ]
MY JOY; see note to chap John 15:11.
FULFILLED; made perfect and lasting.... [ Continue Reading ]
There is a great difference between the spirit of the world and the
spirit of Christ. One leads us to seek our chief good in earthly
things, the other to seek it in learning and doing the will of God.... [ Continue Reading ]
THROUGH THY TRUTH; by giving them right views of truth, and leading
them to obey it. As divine truth is the great means of sanctification,
the more clearly it is understood and the more faithfully it is
obeyed, the more holy men will be, the more lovely will be their
character, and the greater their... [ Continue Reading ]
I SANCTIFY MYSELF; consecrate and devote myself to my work, that they
may be prepared and disposed to perform theirs.... [ Continue Reading ]
THESE; apostles, or those who were then disciples.
WHICH SHALL BELIEVE; all who should become his disciples and
followers.... [ Continue Reading ]
THEY ALL MAY BE ONE; Christ brings all his true disciples into an
inward living union with himself and the Father, and thus makes them
all one with each other.
in believers of this inward union of love and holiness, first with the... [ Continue Reading ]
THE GLORY; given him as a reward for his labors and sacrifices as
I HAVE GIVEN THEM; by participation and promise, in order to their
complete and perfect union to him and one another, that the world
might see the excellence of his religion, and be led to embrace it.... [ Continue Reading ]
Increasing union of views, affections, and efforts among the disciples
of Christ, will furnish increasing evidence of the divine excellence
of his religion, and lead increasing numbers to embrace it.... [ Continue Reading ]
WITH ME WHERE I AM; in heaven. The death of Christians is in answer to
the prayers of Christ, and for the purpose of removing them to the
perfect and everlasting enjoyment of his presence in heaven.... [ Continue Reading ]
NOT KNOWN; not known so as to love and obey him.
THESE; his apostles and disciples.... [ Continue Reading ]
DECLARED UNTO THEM THY NAME; made thee known to them.
WILL DECLARE IT; will more fully make thee known to them, to the
increase of their love, union, and blessedness.... [ Continue Reading ]