Justin Edwards' Family Bible NT (1851)
John 19:22
I have written; the meaning of this was, that what he had written he would not alter.
I have written; the meaning of this was, that what he had written he would not alter.
Verse 22. _WHAT I HAVE WRITTEN, I HAVE WRITTEN._] That is, I will not alter what I have written. The Roman laws forbad the sentence to be altered when once pronounced; and as this inscription was con...
See the notes at Matthew 27:32. John 19:22 WHAT I HAVE WRITTEN ... - This declaration implied that he would make no change. He was impatient, and weary of their solicitations. He had yielded to them...
CHAPTER 19 _ 1. Behold the Man! (John 19:1 .)_ 2. The Last Question of Pilate and Christ's Last Word. (John 19:8 .) 3. Delivered up and Crucified. (John 19:12 .) 4. The Title upon the Cross. ...
THE CRUCIFIXION. The statement that Jesus bears His own cross corrects, or at least supplements, the Synoptic story of Simon of Cyrene. It may have been added to show that the Johannine Christ needs n...
WRITE NOT, THE KING OF THE JEWS. This was the crime of which our Savior had been guilty they said. Pilate intended that the inscription should have. sting in it for the chief priests and elders and sc...
JESUS AND PILATE (John 18:28-40 ; John 19:1-16)...
So they took Jesus, and he, carrying his Cross for himself, went out to the place that is called the Place of a Skull, which is called in Hebrew Golgotha. They crucified him there, and with him they c...
WHAT, &c. Figure of speech _Amphibologia._ App-6. I HAVE WRITTEN. It therefore stands written for ever. Caiaphas as representative of the Jews proclaimed the Lord as Saviour for the world, Pilate fas...
The Death and Burial For what is peculiar to S. John's narrative in this section see the introductory note to chap. 18. Besides this, the title on the cross, the Jews" criticism of it, and the conduc...
_Pilate answered_ His answer illustrates the mixture of obstinacy and relentlessness, which Philo says was characteristic of him. His own interests are not at stake, so he will have his way: where he...
22. Pilate’s answer illustrates the mixture of obstinacy and relentlessness, which Philo says was characteristic of him. His own interests are not at stake, so he will have his way: where he had anyth...
THE DEATH AND BURIAL For what is peculiar to S. John’s narrative in this section see the introductory note to chap. 18. Besides this, the title on the cross, the Jews’ criticism of it, and the conduc...
ΓΈΓΡΑΦΑ _perf. ind. act. от_ ΓΡΆΦΩ, _см._ John 19:19. _Perf._ указывает на постоянный и неизменный характер его действия. Это была констатация решения суда (Bernard). Когда миновала угроза быть обвине...
DISCOURSE: 1722 THE SUPERSCRIPTION AFFIXED TO THE CROSS John 19:19. And Pilate wrote a title, and put it on the cross. And the writing was, JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS. This title then read...
AND PILATE WROTE A TITLE,— The governor, as usual, put up a title or writing on the cross, signifying the crime for which Jesus was condemned: this writing was in black characters, on a whitened board...
CONDEMNED AND CRUCIFIED _Text: John 19:12-22_ 12 Upon this Pilate sought to release him: but the Jews cried out, saying, If thou release this man, thou art not Caesar's friend; every one that maket...
EXPOSITION OF THE GOSPEL OF JOHN John 19:12-24 The following is an Analysis of the passage which is to be before us:— The death of Christ may be viewed from five main viewpoints. From the standpoint...
Pilate answered, What I have written I have written. PILATE ANSWERED, WHAT I HAVE WRITTEN I HAVE WRITTEN. And thus, amidst the conflicting passions of men, was proclaimed, in the chief tongues of...
7 It appears on the surface, that Pilate's question, when he heard that the Lord claimed to be the Son of God, was ignored. Not so. Since the Lord was the Son of God it was far beneath His dignity to...
WHAT I HAVE WRITTEN] A touch true to life. Pilate, though morally a coward, was obstinate—'by nature obstinate and stubborn'; 'at once self-willed, and implacable' (Philo). 23, 24. THE PARTING OF THE...
JESUS IS CRUCIFIED (cp. Matthew 27:31; Mark 15:20; Luke 23:26). St. John, who is in thorough agreement with the synoptists, omits the incident of Simon of Cyrene (Mt, Mk, Lk), and the first 'word' on...
THE CRUCIFIXION. THE BURIAL 1-3. Inside the Prætorium. Scourging and mockery by the soldiers (Matthew 27:26; Mark 15:15). It might be supposed from Mt and Mk that the scourging was only the ordinary p...
XX. _ MARY AT THE CROSS._ "They took Jesus therefore: and He went out, bearing the cross for Himself, unto the place called The place of a skull, which is called in Hebrew Golgotha: where they crucifi...
_The crucifixion_....
But Pilate, “by nature obstinate and stubborn” (Philo, ii. 589), peremptorily reiused to make any alteration. ὃ γέγραφα γέγραφα....
“THEY CRUCIFIED HIM” John 19:18-24 Just outside the city gates, beside the main road, was a little conical eminence, which from its resemblance to a skull was called in Aramaic, _Golgotha,_ and in La...
Here once more we have the story of the Cross, and once again it is a story to be read almost without note or comment. The picture of our Lord led forth and presented to the crowds by Pilate is one of...
THE CRUCIFIXION Matthew 27:35-38; Luke 23:33-38; John 19:18-24; Mark 15:24-28. “ _And it was the third hour_,
“ _Pilate also caused an inscription to be made and to be put upon the cross; there was written: Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews._ 20. _Many of the Jews therefore read this inscription, becaus...
THIRD SECTION: 19:16B-42. THE EXECUTION OF JESUS. 1. The crucifixion: John 19:16; John 19:16; 2. The inscription: John 19:19-22; 3. The parting of the garments:...
And Pilate wrote a title, and put it on the cross, and the writing was, JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE KING OF THE JEWS. (20) This title then read many of the Jews: for the place where Jesus was crucified was...
In John 15:1-27 our Lord substitutes Himself for Israel, as the plant of God, responsible to bear fruit for Him on earth (not merely for man, as such, openly sinful and lost). He takes the place of th...
22._What I have written I have written. _Pilate’s firmness must be ascribed to the providence of God; for there can be no doubt that they attempted, in various ways, to change his resolution. Let us k...
Pilate (chapter 19) gives way to his usual inhumanity. In the account, however, given in this Gospel, the Jews are prominent, as the real authors (as far as man was concerned) of the Lord's death. Jea...
PILATE ANSWERED, WHAT I HAVE WRITTEN I HAVE WRITTEN,.... He seems to say this, as one angry and displeased with them; either because they would not consent to release Jesus, which he was desirous of,...
Pilate answered, What I have written I have written. Ver. 22. _What I have written, I have written_] _i.e._ I am unchangeably resolved it shall stand. So God saith, I am that I am; that is, I am yest...
_And Pilate wrote a title_, &c. The governor, as usual, put a title or writing on the cross, signifying the crime for which Jesus was condemned. This writing probably was in black characters on a whit...
PILATE ANSWERED, WHAT I HAVE WRITTEN I HAVE WRITTEN. John omits the account of the insults and cruelties which the soldiers inflicted upon Christ. See Matthew 27:26; Mark 15:16. Death by crucifixion w...
CRIMINALLY ASSAULTED IN THE COURT! (vs.1-12) Pilate then tried another desperate move, having the Lord scourged. This was gross injustice, yet he hoped by this to placate the Jews' enmity, considerin...
19-30 Here are some remarkable circumstances of Jesus' death, more fully related than before. Pilate would not gratify the chief priests by allowing the writing to be altered; which was doubtless owi...
But Pilate refuseth to gratify them, and lets them know he would not be directed by them what to write, nor alter any thing of it....
John 19:22 Pilate G4091 answered G611 (G5662) What G3739 written G1125 (G5758) written G1125 (G5758) Wha
‘And Pilate wrote a title also, and put it on the cross. And there was written, JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE KING OF THE JEWS. This title therefore read many of the Jews for the place where Jesus was crucif...
THE LAMB IS OFFERED UP (JOHN 19:16). Meanwhile the innocent victim was being dragged through the streets of the city, and then through an outer gate in order to be crucified ‘outside the gate' (Hebrew...
John 19:22. PILATE ANSWERED, WHAT I HAVE WRITTEN I HAVE WRITTEN. It is impossible to mistake the feeling of the Evangelist that in all this the finger of God is to be traced. Those who refuse to ‘beli...
WHAT I HAVE WRITTEN I HAVE WRITTEN (ο γεγραφα γεγραφα). With emphasis on the permanence of the accusation on the board. Pilate has a sudden spirit of stubbornness in this detail to the surprise of...
John 19:22 I. Man's life is an inscription on a Cross. II. That inscription is written irrevocably (1) on the tablet of the eternal past, (2) on the tablet of the immortal memory. III. That inscript...
John 19:14. _And it was the preparation of the Passover, and about the sixth hour: and he saith unto the Jews, Behold your King!_ They had accused him of being a King, or of pretending to be one. Pil...
John 19:1. _Then Pilate therefore took Jesus, and scourged him._ This was one of the most terrible punishments to which a man could be sentenced. The Roman scourge was no trifle. It tore off the quiv...
CONTENTS: Pilate brings Jesus before the multitude. The rejection of the Savior and the crucifixion. His entombment. CHARACTERS: Jesus, Pilate, soldiers, Jesus' mother, His aunt, wife of Cleophas, Ma...
John 19:1. _Pilate therefore took Jesus and scourged him,_ as stated in Matthew 27:26. In cases where this preseded crucifixion, Cicero has recited the form of the sentence from the Roman law. _I, lic...
SO THEY TOOK CHARGE OF JESUS. See notes on Matthew 27:32-66. John gives a few details. 25. HIS MOTHER'S SISTER. Matthew 27:56 identifies Salome as one of the four women ["the mother of Zebedee's sons...
_And Pilate wrote a title and put it on the cross_ THE SUPERSCRIPTION ON THE CROSS I. A GLORIOUS FACT UNCONSCIOUSLY PUBLISHED TO THE WORLD--the royalty of Jesus. This is one of the greatest truths o...
_Pilate answered, What I have written I have written_ THE INEFFACEABLE RECORD Men often speak wiser than they know. During Christ’s trial Pilate had made for himself a record of ineffaceable infamy...
_And He bearing His cross went forth_ THE LONELY CROSS-BEARER I. BEARING THE CROSS FOR HIMSELF (Isaiah 63:3). 1. An aggravation of His misery. 2. An intensifying of their sin. 3. A heightening of...
Jesus is led away to be crucified Matthew 27:32-44; Mark 15:21-32; Luke 23:26-43; John 19:17-22;...
CHAPTER 19 VER. 1. _Then Pilate therefore took Jesus and scourged Him._ That is after he had said (Luke 23:22), "I will chastise Him and let Him go." The tradition is that He was first scourged with t...
_EXPLANATORY AND CRITICAL NOTES_ John 19:19. This was also one reason for the TITLE written (τίτλος, _titulus,_ the technical name) by Pilate for the cross of Jesus. His alone would need it. For peopl...
EXPOSITION JOHN 19:1 (d) [Within the Praetorium.] The unjust scourging, and the crown of thorns. JOHN 19:1 Then PILATE THEREFORE TOOK JESUS, AND SCOURGED HIM. The force of the "therefore" may be se...
Then Pilate therefore took Jesus, and scourged him (John 19:1). The scourging was a whipping that was done to examine the prisoners. It was a third degree technique of the Roman Empire. They did not h...
John 19:12; Proverbs 8:29; Psalms 65:7; Psalms 76:10...
THE CALVARY CHAPTER John 19:16 INTRODUCTORY WORDS We will suggest the steppingstone which immediately precedes the Calvary experiences of our Lord and then enlarge on the Calvary events. What we sa...
What I have written, I have written — That shall stand....