Justin Edwards' Family Bible NT (1851)
Luke 13:34,35
Lamentation over Jerusalem. Matthew 23:37-39.
Lamentation over Jerusalem. Matthew 23:37-39.
Verse Luke 13:34. _O JERUSALEM, JERUSALEM_] See notes on Matthew 23:37, where the metaphor of the hen is illustrated from the Greek _Anthology_....
See the notes at Matthew 23:37. From the message which Jesus sent to Herod we may learn: * That our lives are safe in the hands of God, and that wicked people can do no more to injure us than he sh...
CHAPTER 13 __ 1. The Necessity of Repentance. (Luke 13:1 .) 2. The Barren Fig Tree. (Luke 13:6) 3. The Healing of a Daughter of Abraham. (Luke 13:10) 4. Parable of the Mustard Seed. ...
LUKE 13:34 F. LAMENT OVER JERUSALEM. Matthew 23:37 *. where the setting is more suitable. Lk. omits desolate. For the saying _cf._ Esther 1:30, and also the LXX of...
At that hour some Pharisees came to Jesus. "Depart, they said to him, "and get on your way from this place, because Herod is out to kill you." "Go, he said, "and tell that fox, look you, I cast out de...
SUFFERING AND SIN (Luke 13:1-5)...
JERUSALEM, JERUSALEM. Figure of speech _Epizeuxis_ (App-6). See note on Genesis 22:11. Repeated on the second day before the Passover (Matthew 23:37). See App-156. KILLEST THE PROPHETS. See Luke 11:47...
O _Jerusalem_, _Jerusalem_ The words were perhaps spoken again in the Great Denunciation of the Tuesday in Passion Week, Matthew 23:37. _which killest the prophets_ "It was full of judgment; righteous...
Luke 9:51 to Luke 18:31_. Rejected by the Samaritans. A lesson of Tolerance._ This section forms a great episode in St Luke, which may be called the departure for the final conflict, and is identical...
CHAPS. Luke 9:51 to Luke 18:31 This section forms a great episode in St Luke, which may be called the departure for the final conflict, and is identical with the journey (probably to the Feast of the...
ἹΕΡΟΥΣΑΛῊΜ ἹΕΡΟΥΣΑΛΉΜ. The words were perhaps spoken again in the Great Denunciation of the Tuesday in Passion Week, Matthew 23:37. It is noticeable that the form Ἱερουσαλήμ is always used by St Luke...
Ver 31. The same day there came certain of the Pharisees, saying to him, Get you out, and depart hence: for Herod will kill you. 32. And he said to them, Go you, and tell that fox, Behold, I cast out...
_THE STRAIT GATE AND A MESSAGE FOR HEROD -- LUKE 13:22-35:_ We do not know who it was but someone asked Jesus, "Lord, are only a few people going to be saved?" Jesus told this person that they should...
ΆΠΟΚΤΕΊΝΟΥΣΑ _praes. act. part. (adj.) от_ ΆΠΟΚΤΕΊΝΩ (G615) убивать. _Praes._ может указывать на повторяющееся действие, на всегдашнее отношение к посланцам небес (Fitzmyer, 1036). ΛΙΘΟΒΟΛΟΎΣΑ _praes...
BUTLER'S COMMENTS SECTION 5 Repentance or Doom (Luke 13:31-35) 31 At that very hour some Pharisees came, and said to him, Get away from here, for Herod wants to kill you. 32And he said to them, Go a...
O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen doth gather her brood under her wings, an...
25 Compare Mat_25:10-12. 27 Compare 2Ti_2:19. 29 Eastern etiquette is most stringent as to the placing of guests at a banquet. The most honorable must have the first place and the least the last. So...
13:34 I (a-20) not. (a-37) Lit. 'I desired' -- 'ye desired not.' see Matthew 23:37 ....
Message to Herod Antipas, and lament over Jerusalem. This threat of Herod is peculiar to Lk. 31. Certain of the Pharisees] Probably they wished to frighten Jesus out of the dominions of Herod, where H...
THE GALILEANS KILLED BY PILATE. THE UNFRUITFUL FIG TREE. LAMENT OVER JERUSALEM 1-9. Three exhortations to repentance, of which the former two are based on recent events, and the third is a parable. A...
LUKE’S GOOD NEWS LUKE _HILDA BRIGHT_ CHAPTER 13 PEOPLE NEED TO TURN TO GOD 13:1-9 Two incidents and a *parable all teach that people need to turn to God. They must do this so that they avoid pun...
O JERUSALEM, JERUSALEM, WHICH KILLEST THE PROPHETS. — See Notes on Matthew 23:37. Here, as in other like cases, we have to choose between the alternatives of the words having been spoken on two differ...
_Apostrophe to Jerusalem_ (Matthew 23:37-38), suitably introduced here as in sympathy with the preceding utterance, though not likely to have been spoken at this time and place, as indeed it is not al...
THE LAMENT FOR THOSE WHO “WOULD NOT” Luke 13:31-35; Luke 14:1-6 Our Lord was at that time in Perea, in the jurisdiction of Herod, who probably desired to get rid of Him, lest His presence should intr...
Someone brought to our Lord an account of a happening which seemed to suggest that those who suffered catastrophe are proved to be "sinners above all." He directly contradicted that view, and in that...
O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen [doth gather] her (l) brood under [her] wi...
WOES AGAINST JERUSALEM Luke 13:34-35. “ _O Jerusalem_, _Jerusalem_, _thou that killest the prophets_, _and stonest them that are sent unto thee_, _how frequently did I wish to gather thy children in t...
VERS. 34 AND 35. “ _O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen doth gather her brood...
The same day there came certain of the Pharisees, saying unto him, Get thee out, and depart hence: for Herod will kill thee. And he said unto them, Go ye, and tell that fox, Behold, I cast out devils,...
The ninth chapter opens with the mission not the setting apart, but the circuit of the twelve sent out by the Lord, who therein was working after a fresh sort. He communicates power in grace to men, c...
Now, at this moment they reminded Him of a terrible judgment that had fallen upon some among them. He declares to them that neither this case, nor another which He recalls to their minds, is exception...
O JERUSALEM, JERUSALEM, WHICH KILLEST THE PROPHETS,.... These words, with what follow, as they stand in Matthew 23:37 were delivered by Christ, when he was in the temple at Jerusalem; but here they we...
O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen _doth gather_ her brood under _her_ wings,...
_Nevertheless, I must walk to-day_, &c. Notwithstanding all that he can do, I shall, for the short time I have left, do the works of Him that sent me, without being afraid of any man; because my life...
A cry of sorrow over Jerusalem:...
REPENT OR PERISH (vs.1-9) This chapter shows that righteousness by itself provides no hope for man, but presses upon us the solemn lesson of repentance. Thus it prepares the way for Chapter s 14 and...
31-35 Christ, in calling Herod a fox, gave him his true character. The greatest of men were accountable to God, therefore it became him to call this proud king by his own name; but it is not an examp...
Ver. 34-35. See Poole on "Matthew 23:37". SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 23:38". SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 23:39". These five last verses afford us much for our instruction. 1. We may from them learn the craft o
Irenaeus Against Heresies Book IV And, without using a parable, the Lord said to Jerusalem, `O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest those that are sent unto thee; how oft...
Luke 13:34 Jerusalem G2419 Jerusalem G2419 one G3588 kills G615 (G5723) prophets G4396 and G2532 stones G3036 ...
THE CONSEQUENCES OF THEIR REJECTION (13:28-35). The parable having been completed the actual facts are now described. Having been refused entry through the door of salvation they will suffer the deepe...
“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which kills the prophets, and stones those who are sent to her! How often would I have gathered your children together, even as a hen gathers her own brood under her wings, an...
TIME. We identify the journey here spoken of (Luke 13:22), with the last journey from Perea to Jerusalem, and accept the order of Luke in the following Chapter s as accurate. Some think that it is the...
THIS division of the Gospel of Luke, embracing nearly one third of the whole, contains for the most part matter peculiar to this Evangelist. A number of the incidents probably belong to an earlier per...
Luke 13:34-35. See on Matthew 23:37-39, where a similar lamentation is found. But there is no reason for supposing that it was not repeated. There are variations in form, and the connection with what...
O JERUSALEM, JERUSALEM (Ιερουσαλημ, Ιερουσαλημ). In Matthew 23:37 Jesus utters a similar lament over Jerusalem. The connection suits both there and here, but Plummer considers it "rather a violent h...
Luke 13:18. _Then said he, Unto what is the kingdom of God like? and whereunto shall I resemble it?_ For men learn much by resemblances, and the things which are seen are frequently helpful to us in...
Luke 13:11. _And, behold, there was a woman which had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bowed together, and could in no wise lift up herself. And when Jesus saw her, he called her to him,...
CONTENTS: Parable of barren fig tree. Woman loosed from her infirmity. Parable of mustard seed and leaven. Jesus teaching on way to Jerusalem. CHARACTERS: Jesus, Galileans, Pilate, infirm woman, rule...
Luke 13:1. _There were some present at that season_ of the passover, _that told him of the Galileans, whose blood Pilate had mingled with their_ _sacrifices._ Though this might be blood for blood, yet...
JERUSALEM, JERUSALEM! Jesus may have said this more than once. See notes on Matthew 23:37-39. NOW YOUR HOME WILL BE COMPLETELY FORSAKEN. God would depart the temple, even though the ritual would conti...
LUKE—NOTE ON LUKE 13:34 O JERUSALEM, JERUSALEM. Jesus mourned the coming punishment of Jerusalem and all Israel (compare the lament in Psalms 137:1)....
CHAPTER 13 VER. 1. _Whose blood Pilate mingled._ That is, whom while they were sacrificing in Mount Gerizim in Samaria, Pilate slew. He slew them that their blood might be mingled with the blood of th...
_CRITICAL NOTES_ Luke 13:31. THE SAME DAY.—A better reading is, “In that very hour” (R.V.). PHARISEES, SAYING, etc.—We are certainly led to understand that these Pharisees had been sent by Herod to in...
EXPOSITION LUKE 13:1 _Signs of the times. The Lord continues his solemn warnings. Israel pictured in the parable of the barren fig tree._ LUKE 13:1 There were present at that season some that told...
Now there were present at that season (Luke 13:1) And, of course, now Luke may have gone on in a period of time. We don't know how much time elapsed between verse Luke 13:59 of chapter 12, and Luke 13...
2 Chronicles 24:21; 2 Chronicles 24:22; 2 Chronicles 36:15; 2 Chronicles 36:16;...
Would I have gathered [η θ ε λ η σ α ε π ι σ υ ν α ξ α ι]. Lit., "I desired to gather." See on will kill, ver. 31. Hen. See on Matthew 23:37....
How often would I have gathered thy children together — Three solemn visits he had made to Jerusalem since his baptism for this very purpose. Matthew 23:37....
Our Lord concludes this chapter with. compassionate lamentation over Jerusalem, the place where he was to suffer. His ingemination, or doubling of the word, O JERUSALEM, JERUSALEM, shows the vehemency...