Justin Edwards' Family Bible NT (1851)
Luke 15:1
Publicans and sinners. Matthew 9:10.
Publicans and sinners. Matthew 9:10.
LUKE 15:1 pa,ntej {A} The absence of pa,ntej (a word that Luke is fond of using; see the comment on 7.35) from several witnesses (W itaur, b, c, l, q syrs, c, p copsamss), if not an accident, may be...
CHAPTER XV. _Publicans and sinners draw near to hear our Lord, at which the_ _Pharisees are offended_, 1, 2. _Christ vindicates his conduct in receiving them by the parable_ _of the lost sheep_, 3...
PUBLICANS AND SINNERS - See the notes at Matthew 9:10....
CHAPTER 15 __ 1. The Murmuring Pharisees. (Luke 15:1) 2. The Parable of the Lost Sheep. (Luke 15:3) 3. The Parable of the Lost Coin. (Luke 15:8) 4. The Parable of the Prodigal Son and the Elder Br...
LUKE 25. THREE PARABLES SHOWING GOD'S LOVE FOR THE LOST, AND HIS JOY AT THEIR RESTORATION. The three parables in this chapter have no definite note of time or place. An introduction is supplied from L...
THE SHEPHERD'S JOY (Luke 15:1-7)...
The tax-collectors and sinners were all coming near to Jesus to hear him, and the Pharisees and scribes were murmuring, saying, "This man welcomes sinners and eats with them." He spoke this parable to...
THEN DREW NEAR. Then were drawing near. ALL. Put by Figure of speech _Synecdoche_ (of the Part), App-6, for. large number. PUBLICANS. tax-gatherers. FOR TO HEAR. to hear....
1-10. The Lost Sheep. 1. _Then drew near unto him_ Rather, AND THERE WERE DRAWING NEAR TO HIM AU THE TAX-GATHERERS AND THE SINNERS TO LISTEN TO HIM. St Chrysostom says that their very life was legal...
Luke 9:51 to Luke 18:31_. Rejected by the Samaritans. A lesson of Tolerance._ This section forms a great episode in St Luke, which may be called the departure for the final conflict, and is identical...
ἮΣΑΝ ΔῈ ΑΥ̓ΤΩ͂Ι ἘΓΓΊΖΟΝΤΕΣ ΠΆΝΤΕΣ ΟἹ ΤΕΛΩ͂ΝΑΙ ΚΑῚ ΟἹ ἉΜΑΡΤΩΛΟῚ�. ‘And there were drawing near to Him all the tax-gatherers and the sinners to listen to Him.’ The ἦσαν ἐγγίζοντες seems to imply that gr...
CHAPS. Luke 9:51 to Luke 18:31 This section forms a great episode in St Luke, which may be called the departure for the final conflict, and is identical with the journey (probably to the Feast of the...
Ver 1. Then drew near to him all the Publicans and sinners for to hear him. 2. And the Pharisees and Scribes murmured, saying, This man receives sinners, and eats with them. 3. And he spoke this parab...
ΉΣΑΝ _impf. ind. act. от_ ΕΙΜΊ (G1510) быть. Используется с _part._ в перифр. обороте, ΈΓΓΊΖΟΝΤΕΣ _praes. act. part. от_ ΕΓΓΊΖΩ (G1448) приближаться, с _dat._ ΆΚΟΎΕΙΝ _praes. act. inf. от_ ΆΚΟΎΩ (G1...
THEN DREW NEAR—ALL THE PUBLICANS, &C.— To do good unto all sorts of men, was the employment and highest pleasure of the Son of God; accordingly, when the tax-gatherers and sinners came to hear him, he...
APPLEBURY'S COMMENTS _Christ Receives Sinful Men Scripture_ Luke 15:1-2 Now all the publicans and sinners were drawing near unto him to hear him. 2 And both the Pharisees and the scribes murmured, s...
BUTLER'S COMMENTS SECTION 1 Lost Sheep (Luke 15:1-7) 15 Now the tax collectors and sinners were all drawing near to hear him. 2And the Pharisees and the scribes murmured, saying, This man receives...
Then drew near unto him all the publicans and sinners for to hear him. THEN - but when, is not stated and cannot be determined. See remarks prefixed to Luke 9:51. DREW NEAR, [ eesan (G1510) de ...
34-35 Compare Mat_5:13; Mar_9:50. 1 Compare Luk_7:34-35; Mat_9:10-13. 2 Our Lord's liking for sinners led the proud, self-righteous Pharisees and scribes to utter a most precious truth, though they,...
15:1 coming (a-9) Lit. 'drawing near;' not only at this time; it is usual....
PUBLICANS AND SINNERS] see on Matthew 5:46; Matthew 9:11....
PARABLES OF THE LOST SHEEP, OF THEM LOST COIN, OF THE PRODIGAL SON 1-7. Parable of the Lost Sheep. See on Matthew 18:12. The first of a series of three parables for the encouragement of penitents. It...
LUKE’S GOOD NEWS LUKE _HILDA BRIGHT_ CHAPTER 15 *PARABLES OF GOD’S LOVE 15:1-32 1 INTRODUCTION 15:1-2 Jesus told three *parables as an answer to the *Pharisees. They did not approve of him beca...
XV. (1) THEN DREW NEAR UNTO HIM... — Better, _and all the publicans and the sinners were drawing near to hear Him._ There is not quite the same direct sequence in the Greek as in the English, but what...
CHAPTER 21 LOST AND FOUND. IN this chapter we see how the waves of influence, moving outward from their Divine center, touch the outermost fringe of humanity, sending the pulsations of new excitemen...
_Historic introduction_. ἦσαν ἐγγίζοντες : either were in the act of approaching Jesus at a given time (Meyer), or were in the habit of doing so. The position of αὐτῷ before ἐγγίζοντες in [124] [125]...
SEEKING AND FINDING THE LOST Luke 15:1-10 They that have left the fold in which they were nurtured in early life, and have gone over bleak mountains and through tangled brakes, find themselves in thi...
Our Lord's attitude toward the sinning multitudes aroused the hostility of the Pharisees, and to them principally He uttered the great discourse of this chapter, consisting of a threefold parable. In...
Then drew near unto (1) him (a) all the publicans and sinners for to hear him. (1) We must not give up on those who have gone out of the way, but according to the example of Christ we must take great...
CHAPTER 12 THE HUNDRED SHEEP Luke 15:1-7. Our Lord is still in Perea, east of the Jordan, with His face toward Jerusalem, traveling slowly, accompanied by vast multitudes, to whom, daily halting, He...
5. _The Parables of Grace:_ chap. 15. This piece contains: 1 _st._ A historical introduction (Luke 15:1-2); 2 _d._ A pair of parables, like that of the previous chapter (Luke 15:3-10); and 3 _d._ A gr...
Then drew near unto him all the publicans and sinners for to hear him. And the Pharisees and scribes murmured, saying, This man receiveth sinners, and eateth with them. The imagination can hardly form...
Luke 15:1 Contents The Lord is here teaching by Parables. Here are three contained in this Chapter; namely, the Lost Sheep, the Lost Piece of Money, and the Prodigal Son....
The ninth chapter opens with the mission not the setting apart, but the circuit of the twelve sent out by the Lord, who therein was working after a fresh sort. He communicates power in grace to men, c...
Having thus unfolded the difference in character between the two dispensations, and the circumstances of the transition from the one to the other, the Lord turns (chapter 15) to higher principles the...
THEN DREW NEAR TO HIM,.... To "Jesus", as the Persic and Ethiopic versions express it: this was on the sabbath day, and either when he was in the Pharisee's house, where he was invited to dinner, Luke...
Then drew near unto him all the publicans and sinners for to hear him. Ver. 1. _All the publicans and sinners_] Christ familiarized himself with these despised persons, and thereby much won upon them...
_Then drew near unto him all the publicans and sinners_ That is, some of all the different classes of publicans, or all those of that place, and some other notorious sinners; _for to hear him_ Being i...
SEEKING THE LOST SHEEP (vs.3-7) Though discipleship to Christ is a wonderful privilege, yet man would never choose a path of true discipleship if God did not seek him first. In this chapter we see t...
1-10 The parable of the lost sheep is very applicable to the great work of man's redemption. The lost sheep represents the sinner as departed from God, and exposed to certain ruin if not brought back...
LUKE CHAPTER 15 LUKE 15:1,2 The Pharisees murmur at Christ for receiving sinners. LUKE 15:3 The parable of the lost sheep, LUKE 15:8 and piece of silver,...
Tertullian Against Marcion Book IV Who sought after the lost sheep and the lost piece of silver?[1284]...
Luke 15:1 Then G1161 all G3956 collectors G5057 and G2532 sinners G268 near G2258 (G5713) G1448 ...
‘Now all the public servants and sinners were drawing near to him to hear him.' Gathered in the crowds around Jesus were large numbers of public servants and ‘sinners'. The ‘public servants were those...
THE PARABLES OF THE SEEKING SHEPHERD AND THE LOST COIN (15:1-10). In these twin parables Jesus illustrates Heaven's concern over all lost persons, whoever they may be, and of whatever class they be, a...
MEN MUST LIVE IN THE LIGHT OF THE COMING OF THE SON OF MAN IN HIS GLORY (15:1-19:28). Having established in Section 1 that Jesus was born in Bethlehem in the city of David where He was proclaimed ‘Sav...
THREE PARABLES DEALING WITH THE SEEKING AND SAVING OF THE LOST (15:1-32). It will have been noted how great a concentration there is in this section on preparing for the eternal future, and on the Ki...
THIS division of the Gospel of Luke, embracing nearly one third of the whole, contains for the most part matter peculiar to this Evangelist. A number of the incidents probably belong to an earlier per...
CONNECTION. We have a single discourse, consisting mainly of parables, from chap. Luke 15:1 to chap. Luke 17:10. It was delivered during the journey from Perea to Jericho, and occasioned by the fact t...
Luke 15:1-2. THE OCCASION OF THE DISCOURSE. HOW ALL THE PUBLICANS AND SINNERS. Not all kinds, nor all without exception, but very many, so that this was the rule. WERE DRAWING NEAR. At this time were...
Luke 15:1. TO THE DISCIPLES. To the body of the disciples, including the publicans for whom the parable had a special adaptation. That the Pharisees also heard what He said appears from Luke 15:14. A...
ALL THE PUBLICANS AND SINNERS (παντες ο τελωνα κα ο αμαρτωλο). The two articles separate the two classes (all the publicans and the sinners). They are sometimes grouped together (Luke 5:30; Matthew...
Luke 15:1 It has been observed that intense cold will produce very much the same effect as fervent heat. The ring of iron that surrounds a wheel, being exposed to keen frosts during a long winter's ni...
This is a chapter that needs no explanation; it carries its key within itself, and the experience of every child of God is the best exposition of it. The three parables recorded here set forth the wor...
Luke 15:1. _Then drew near unto him all the publicans and sinners for to hear him._ However sunken they might be, they knew their best Friend; they recognized their Benefactor, so they gathered aroun...
We have read this chapter together many times; possibly some of us have read it hundreds of times; yet whenever we read it, we always find something fresh in it. It is ever bright and sparkling, full...
CONTENTS: Parables of the lost sheep, lost coin and lost son. CHARACTERS: Jesus, Pharisees, scribes. CONCLUSION: God has a particular care over backsliding sinners (Isr. in this case) and follows th...
Luke 15:1. _Then drew near all the publicans and sinners to hear him._ The pharisees were so intoxicated with ideas of their own righteousness, as to regard all such characters as excluded from the co...
ONE TIME MANY TAX COLLECTORS AND OUTCASTS. These people came to Jesus in great numbers. TAX COLLECTOR. They worked for the Roman Occupation Army, and were thought of as traitors to their fellow Jews....
_This man receiveth sinners, and eateth with them_ CHRIST’S INFLUENCE WITH THE MASSES The masses were drawn to Christ’s teachings. I. THE REASONS FOR THIS ADMIRATION. 1. All lack of affectation--n...
LUKE—NOTE ON LUKE 15:1 TAX COLLECTORS (see notes on 3:12–14; Matthew 5:46) AND SINNERS are also linked i
CHAPTER 15 Ver. 1. _Then drew near under Him all the publicans and sinners_. _πάντες_, all, that is, many came together to hear Christ, attracted by His sanctity and by the loving-kindness with which...
_CRITICAL NOTES_ Luke 15:1. PUBLICANS AND SINNERS.—_I.e._, tax-gatherers, odious to the whole nation on account of their occupation and their unscrupulousness in carrying it on, and persons from whom...
EXPOSITION LUKE 15:1 The _Lord speaks his three parable-stories of the _"lost," _in which he explains his reason for loving and receiving the sinful._ LUKE 15:1,...
Then drew near to him all the publicans and sinners to hear him. And the Pharisees and scribes murmured, saying, This man receives sinners, and eats with them (Luke 15:1-2). Notice the four groups tha...
1 Timothy 1:15; Ezekiel 18:27; Luke 13:30; Luke 5:29; Luke 7:29;...
CHRIST SEEKING TO SAVE Luke 15:1 INTRODUCTORY WORDS The story of the prodigal son is one part of a threefold parable. 1. WE HAVE THE SHEPHERD SUFFERING AS HE SEEKS HIS SHEEP. The parable describes...
All the publicans — That is, all who were in that place. It seems our Lord was in some town of Galilee of the Gentiles, from whence he afterward went to Jerusalem, Luke 17:11....
The publicans and sinners, as they had done several times before, came to hear our Saviour's instructions; he treated them very kindly, and conversed familiarly with them; at this the Pharisees were d...