Luke 2:1

ALL THE WORLD; the words in the Greek may denote either all the Roman world, that is, the Roman empire, or Palestine and the neighboring countries. SHOULD BE TAXED; literally, should be enrolled, that a census might be taken of the inhabitants in order to their taxation. This enrollment was a pract... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:2

WHEN CYRENIUS WAS GOVERNOR OF SYRIA; it is known with certainty that Cyrenius was appointed governor of Syria several years after our Saviour's birth, and that he then made an enrolment of the people. Upon the supposition that this was the enrolment here referred to, some have proposed to explain th... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:13

Those manifestations which God makes of himself, especially in the person and work of his Son, are deeply interesting, not only to his people on earth, but also to the inhabitants of heaven.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:14

ON EARTH PEACE; as the result of the Saviour's advent. All who receive him have peace with God and the spirit of peace towards man; and the prevalence of his gospel will bring peace to the world. GOOD WILL TOWARD MEN; kindness, compassion, and grace, manifested in the gift of a Saviour.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:19

PONDERED THEM; continued to think of them and study their meaning. The habit of treasuring up the sayings of the wise and good, especially those which are recorded in the Bible, and of observing the dispensations of Providence, is a source of rich instruction, and may be made a means of grace to our... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:22

DAYS OF HER PURIFICATION; after the birth of a son, a mother among the Jews was required to remain at home, and was considered as unclean forty days. These were called the days of her purification. She was then required to offer for a burnt-offering a lamb, and for a sin-offering a turtle-dove, or a... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:25

CONSOLATION OF ISRAEL; the Messiah, from whom consolation comes. Aged persons who have long walked uprightly in piety towards God and good will towards men, often have, as they approach the close of life, remarkably clear and exalted views of the Saviour-views which disarm death of its terrors, and... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:34

FALL; ruin by rejecting Christ. RISING AGAIN; salvation by believing in him. A SIGN; an object of peculiar derision. Isaiah 53:3; ACTS 28:22.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:35

A SWORD SHALL PIERCE THROUGH THY OWN SOUL; generally understood of the anguish which she would be called to endure as a witness of the Saviour's sufferings and death. THE THOUGHTS OF MANY HEARTS MAY BE REVEALED; by their treatment of the Saviour they will show the character of their hearts.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:39

THEY RETURNED INTO GALILEE; in brief narratives like the present, intervening events are often passed over in silence. We know from Matthew that the wise men from the East found the Saviour at Bethlehem; that afterwards he was carried into Egypt; and after a sojourn there of some time, to Nazareth i... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:43

FULFILLED THE DAYS; the eight days of the passover: one for preparation, and seven for the observance of the feast. Exodus 12:15; Leviticus 23:5-6.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:49

WIST; knew. ABOUT MY FATHER'S BUSINESS; or, among my Father's matters; which was, in this case, studying his Father's law in his Father's house. Parents who regularaly and conscientiously take their children with them to the house of God, and train them in the way they should go, may expect that th... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:50

UNDERSTOOD NOT THE SAYING; about being occupied with his Father's business; especially, why he should call God his Father in so high and peculiar a sense.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 2:51

SUBJECT UNTO THEM; performed the appropriate duties of an affectionate and obedient child. THESE SAYINGS; the sayings of Jesus, as well as those of the angel and of others concerning him. Those children who cheerfully obey their parents, in this respect resemble the holy child Jesus.... [ Continue Reading ]

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Old Testament