Justin Edwards' Family Bible NT (1851)
Luke 2:13
Those manifestations which God makes of himself, especially in the person and work of his Son, are deeply interesting, not only to his people on earth, but also to the inhabitants of heaven.
Those manifestations which God makes of himself, especially in the person and work of his Son, are deeply interesting, not only to his people on earth, but also to the inhabitants of heaven.
Verse Luke 2:13. _SUDDENLY THERE WAS WITH THE ANGEL_, c.] this multitude of the heavenly host had just now descended from on high, to honour the new-born Prince of peace, to give his parents the full...
CHAPTER 2 _ 1. The Birth of Christ at Bethlehem (Luke 2:1)_ 2. The Glad Tidings Announced to the Shepherds. (Luke 2:8) 3. The Circumcision and Presentation (Luke 2:21) 4. Simeon and His Prophecy ...
THE BIRTH OF JESUS. Lk. only. In obedi ence to a decree of the Emperor Augustus, ordering a general census (the first, during the Syrian governor ship of Quirinius), every man went to his own city. Th...
In this country there were shepherds who were in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them and the glory of the Lord shone round about them and they we...
HEAVENLY HOST. host of heaven. So Tr. WH margin host. the _Sabaioth of_ the O.T. Compare Daniel 8:10; Romans 9:29; James 5:4.Revelation 5:11;...
_a multitude of the heavenly host_ The Sabaoth; Romans 9:29; James 5:4. "Ten thousand times ten thousand stood before Him," Daniel 7:10; Revelation 5:11
The Angels to the Shepherds 8. _in the same country_ Tradition says that they were natives of the little village Beth-zur (Joshua 15:58; Nehemiah 3:16). They were feeding their flocks in the same fie...
ΠΛΗ͂ΘΟΣ ΣΤΡΑΤΙΑ͂Σ ΟΥ̓ΡΑΝΊΟΝ. The Sabaoth, or _Tseba hashamayîm_. 1 Kings 22:19; Psalms 103:21; Matthew 26:53; Romans 9:29;...
ΕΞΑΊΦΝΗΣ (G1810) вдруг, ΈΓΈΝΕΤΟ _aor. ind. med. (dep.), см._ Luke 2:1. ΣΤΡΑΤΙΆ (G4756) армия, отряд солдат; однако эта армия провозглашает мир (Bengel). Вероятно, небесные служители из царского окру...
DISCOURSE: 1472 THE ANGELS’ SONG Luke 2:13. _And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good-wil...
BUTLER'S COMMENTS SECTION 1 Portents (Luke 2:1-21) In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all 2 the world should be enrolled. 2This was the first enrollment, when Quirinius was go...
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, AND SUDDENLY - as if eager to break in as soon as the last words of the wonderful tidings had dropp...
We have here a most notable example of God's overruling providence. Mary and Joseph lived in Nazareth, and Christ must be born in Bethlehem. How is this to be brought about ? Little did Cresar dream t...
BIRTH AND CHILDHOOD OF JESUS 1-5. The census of Quirinius. There are two historical difficulties in connexion with St. Luke's mention of the census of Quirinius: (1) There is no direct evidence, exce...
ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE SHEPHERDS, WHO VISIT THE HOLY FAMILY. As Jesus was born in a stable, so His birth was first announced to peasants, in token that the gospel was meant for the poor and ignorant, as...
LUKE’S GOOD NEWS LUKE _HILDA BRIGHT_ CHAPTER 2 THE BIRTH OF JESUS 2:1-7 V1 At that time *Caesar Augustus ordered a *census in the *Roman *empire. V2 This was the first *census when Quirinius gov...
A MULTITUDE OF THE HEAVENLY HOST. — The phrase, or its equivalent, “the host of heaven,” is common in the later books of _the_ Old Testament, but is there used as including the visible “hosts” of sun,...
CHAPTER 5 THE ADORATION OF THE SHEPHERDS. Luke 2:8 THE Gospel of St. Mark omits entirely the Nativity, passing at once to the words and miracles of His public ministry. St. John, too, dismisses the...
_The shepherds and the angels_....
THE SAVIOR OF MANKIND IS BORN Luke 2:1-14 The manger bed and its precious occupant are among the most cherished memories of our childhood; but as we come there in later life, the wonder ever grows....
Jesus was born in Bethlehem, under the yoke of an oppressor. Moreover, by the exigency of the circumstances, He was born amid the homeless crowd. This was according to the divine arrangement and foret...
And suddenly there was with the angel (f) a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, (f) Whole armies of angels, who compass the majesty of God round about, just as soldiers, as it we...
THE SHEPHERDS 8-20. _“The shepherds were at that time tenting out, and keeping watch over their flock through the night.”_ This fact refutes the popular idea of the birth of our Savior taking place in...
FIFTH NARRATIVE: THE BIRTH OF THE SAVIOUR, LUKE 2:1-20. Henceforth there exists in the midst of corrupt humanity a pure Being, on whom God's regard can rest with unmingled satisfaction. Uniting in thi...
2. _The appearing of the angels: Luke 2:8-14_. “ _The gospel is preached to the poor._ ” The following narrative contains the first application of this divine method. Luke 2:8-9 relate the appearing o...
(8) And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. (9) And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round...
The preface of Luke's gospel is as instructive as the introduction of either of the two preceding gospels. It is obvious to any serious reader that we enter a totally different province, though all be...
_THE CHRISTMAS SONG_ ‘And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God.’ Luke 2:13 I. THE HEAVENLY HOST.—In making the great announcement one angel does not suffi...
13._And suddenly there was present with the angel a multitude _An exhibition of divine splendor had been already made in the person of a single angel. But God determined to adorn his own Son in a stil...
In the next chapter (2) the scene changes. Instead of the relations of God with Israel according to grace, we see first the pagan emperor of the world the head of Daniel's last empire exercising his p...
AND SUDDENLY THERE WAS WITH THE ANGEL,.... That brought the tidings of Christ's birth to the shepherds: a multitude of the heavenly host: who being caused to fly swiftly, were at once with him, by his...
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Ver. 13. _Praising God_] Angels who have neither so much interest in Christ nor benefit by him as we,...
_And suddenly there was with the angel_, &c. The welcome news was no sooner published, than a multitude of heavenly beings were heard celebrating, in songs and hymns divine, the praises of God, on acc...
The angels' hymn of praise:...
THE BIRTH OF THE LORD JESUS (vs.1-7) God in His sovereign wisdom and power at this time ordered the events of man's government to accomplish His own will. Caesar Augustus decreed that all the world ...
8-20 Angels were heralds of the new-born Saviour, but they were only sent to some poor, humble, pious, industrious shepherds, who were in the business of their calling, keeping watch over their flock...
Ver. 13,14. The nativity of our Saviour was published first by one angel, but it must be celebrated by a multitude of angels, who appear praising God upon this occasion. These are called the Lord's ho...
Tertullian On the Flesh of Christ that multitude of the heavenly host which praised their Lord at night.[16]...
Luke 2:13 And G2532 suddenly G1810 was G1096 (G5633) with G4862 angel G32 multitude G4128 heavenly G3770 host...
‘And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,' And then all Heaven broke loose, for as the shepherds watched in amazement they saw with the angel a...
Luke 2:13. A MULTITUDE OF THE HEAVENLY HOST, _i.e._, angels, who are represented as a host surrounding the throne of God (1 Kings 22:19; 2 Chronicles 18:18;...
Jesus of Nazareth born in Bethlehem (Matthew 2:1-11). This section narrates: the circumstances which led His mother from Nazareth (chap. Luke 1:26; Luke 1:56) to Bethlehem ...
HOST (στρατιας). A military term for a band of soldiers common in the ancient Greek. Bengel says: "Here the army announces peace."PRAISING (αινουντων). Construction according to sense (plural, th...
ANGEL (_ See Scofield) - (Hebrews 1:4). _...
Luke 2:13 The Angels' Hymn. I. "Glory to God in the highest." This is the first jubilant adoring exclamation of the angels, as they beheld the fulfilment of that eternal counsel of God, which, partia...
Luke 2:1. And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed. (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria....
We WILL now read the story of our Saviour's birth as it is recorded in the Gospel according to Luke. Luke 2:1. And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, th...
CONTENTS: Birth of Jesus. His adoration by the shepherds. Adoration and prophecy of Simon and Anna. Return to Nazareth. Jesus and His parents at the Passover. CHARACTERS: Jesus, Caesar, Augustus, Cyr...
Luke 2:1. _It came to pass in those days,_ when John was born, and when the Roman emperor, Augustus Cæsar, filled the throne, and was in the thirty first year of his reign, that, a decree was issued f...
SUDDENLY A GREAT ARMY OF HEAVEN'S ANGELS. Compare Revelation 5:11-12....
LUKE—NOTE ON LUKE 2:13 A MULTITUDE OF THE HEAVENLY HOST. Thousands of angels. ⇐ ⇔...
LUKE—NOTE ON LUKE 2:1 Luke records the events of Jesus’ birth (vv. Luke 2:1), his presentation in the temple (vv. Luke 2:21), and his visit
CHAPTER 2 VER. 1. _And it came to pass in those days_ (in which John the Baptist was born) _there went forth a decree_, &c. The Syriac for "all the world," has "all the people of his dominion," subjec...
_And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God and saying._ Because, as I said at verse 7, all the angels accompanied Christ to earth and adored Him, and they ar...
_CRITICAL NOTES_ Luke 2:1. ALL THE WORLD.—_I.e._ the Roman world (_orbis terrarum_). TAXED.—Rather, “enrolled,” something like a modern census, but with a view to taxation. Luke 2:2. THIS WAS THE FIR...
EXPOSITION LUKE 2:1 _The Redeemer's birth_. LUKE 2:1 THERE WENT OUT A DECREE FROM CAESAR AUGUSTUS, THAT ALL THE WORLD SHOULD BE TAXED; more accurately, _that there should be a registration_, etc.;...
Now it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed. (And the taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syra.) And all we...
1 Kings 22:19; 1 Peter 1:12; Daniel 7:10; Ephesians 3:10; Ezekiel 3:12
A multitude of the heavenly host. Host [σ τ ρ α τ ι α ς] is literally army. "Here the army announces peace" (Bengel). Wyc., heavenly knighthood. Tynd., heavenly soldiers....
THE SEARCH OF THE SHEPHERDS Luke 2:8 INTRODUCTORY WORDS The Christmas story from any angle is most interesting. We are to study, "The Search of the Shepherds." The study is well named, for the dut...
THE INFANT CHRIST A CHRISTMAS SERMON Luke 2:7 INTRODUCTORY WORDS In a manger, on the hay, There, incarnate God, once lay: From the Father's throne He came To a world all sunk in shame; Came a B...
THE SEVEN MAGNIFICATS _Selections from Luke 1:1 and Luke 2:1_ INTRODUCTORY WORDS By way of introduction to the seven Magnificats, we will study the annunciation of the birth of Christ, as it was giv...
Although the birth of our blessed Saviour was published by one angel, yet is it celebrated by. host of angels;. whole choir of angels chaunt forth the praises of Almighty God, upon this great and joyf...