Luke 20:1

Rulers in church and state are often very unsafe guides in the things of religion, and much more opposed to the truth and to those who preach it than are the common people. Hence the great importance of following the direction of Christ, Matthew 23:8-10, and of searching the Scriptures, to see wheth... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 20:9

Parables and similitudes drawn from earthly things, with which people are familiar, are wise and efficient means of inculcating divine truth; and that preaching which leads the hearers to think, and draw correct conclusions for themselves, will be likely to do them the most good.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 20:19

Opposers of the gospel and of its faithful preachers are prone to represent their teaching as injurious to the state, and thus to attempt to set politicians and worldly men in active hostility against them. In this they would oftener succeed were it not that the truths of the gospel, plainly and kin... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 20:36

EQUAL UNTO THE ANGELS; in their immortality and bliss. THE CHILDREN OF GOD-RESURRECTION; like unto him after having been raised from the dead.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 20:38

ALL LIVE UNTO HIM; though dead as to us, they live to and with God; so that his covenant with them to be their God remains.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 20:46

Instead of always imitating the rich and great, and following those who are in high stations, it is sometimes necessary, in order to obey Christ, to reject their maxims, renounce their doctrines, and avoid their practices. This course may subject those who pursue it to many inconveniences, but it wi... [ Continue Reading ]

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Old Testament