Therefore; because the Sabbath was made for man. The argument is from the design of the Sabbath. Since it was made for man's good, the Son of man, who is God in human nature, who has come to redeem man, and who has all things pertaining to man's good in his own hands, must also be the Lord of the Sabbath. Let the reader compare this passage with Matthew 12:1-8, and see how the argument continually rises. First, the Saviour justifies his disciples from an exceptional case, that of David when he was hungry; secondly, from the standing custom of profaning the Sabbath in its outward letter by the preparation of sacrifices, etc. Matthew 12:5; thirdly, from the design of the Sabbath; finally, from his own character and office, as God come in human nature to redeem man. As Jesus Christ is Lord of the Sabbath, and the day belongs to him, he has a right to direct as to the time and manner of observing it. Those who devote it to worldly business, travelling, or amusement, or who spend it in idleness, are guilty of robbing the Saviour, and expose themselves to his curse.

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Old Testament