Matthew 1:1

GENERATION; a record of the persons from whom, as a man, Jesus Christ descended. Records like this, and that in the third chapter of Luke, were carefully kept by the Jews, and showed that Jesus Christ was of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Judah, and of the family of David, according to the pre... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 1:8

JORDAN BEGAT OZIAS; between Joram and Ozias-the Uzziah of the Hebrew-three kings are omitted, namesly, Ahaziah, Joash, and Amaziah. See note of Matthew 1:17.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 1:16

CHRIST; the meaning of the word Christ is, Anointed. Persons who were set apart and consecrated to a public office under the Old Testament were, in many cases, anointed with oil, in token of their being endued by the Holy Spirit to fit them for their duties. So Christ having been appointed and conse... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 1:17

FOURTEEN GENERATIONS; the equality of the numbers-fourteen generations thrice repeated-is made out by certain omissions. See notes on Matthew 1:8; Matthew 1:11. This squaring of numbers in the construction of genealogical tables seems to have been a common expedient for the assistance of the memory.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 1:18

ON THIS WISE; after this manner. ESPOUSED TO JOSEPH; engaged to be married to him. BEFORE; before they were actually married. OF THE HOLY GHOST; the conception of Jesus Christ was miraculous, and effected by the power of God, according to his declaration, "A body hast thou prepared me." Hebrews 1... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 1:19

A PUBLIC EXAMPLE; not willing to have her punished according to the law. Deuteronomy 22:21 PUT HER AWAY PRIVILY, by writing a bill of divorcement, according to Deuteronomy 24:1.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 1:20

SON; descendant of David. Kindness, conscientiousness, and a disposition to do right, with a calm, attentive consideration of the whole subject, in a case of difficulty, are a good preparation for learning the will of God concerning it.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 1:21

JESUS; Jesus is the same name as Joshua, or, as it is written by some of the later Hebrew writers, Jeshua. It signifies THE SALVATION OF JEHOVAH. SAVE; deliver from the pollution, power, guilt, condemnation, and punishment of sin.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 1:22

FULFILLED; the birth of Jesus was in fulfilment of a promise of God, by the prophet Isaiah, uttered more than seven hundred years before. Isaiah 7:14. God in the Old Testament spoke by his prophets, and what they then uttered was the testimony of God. So when they wrote what he directed them, it was... [ Continue Reading ]

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Old Testament