Matthew 12:1

CORN; in the Scriptures this word means grain of any kind, especially wheat and barley, which were common grains of Palestine. PLUCK THE EARS; picked off the heads, and rubbed them in their hands to separate the kernels from the ear. Luke 6:1.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 12:5

READ IN THE LAW; NUMBERS 28:9-10. PROFANE THE SABBATH; do what would have profaned it, had not the appropriate duties of the Sabbath required that labor. The Saviour refers to the killing and dressing of the animals for sacrifice, and other labors connected with the daily temple service. In John 7... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 12:6

GREATER THAN THE TEMPLE; the argument is, that if in the service of the temple the priests might profane the Sabbath according to the outward letter, much more might his disciples in his service; for he was Lord both of the temple and the Sabbath. Neither the temple nor the Sabbath, nor any place or... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 12:7

MERCY, AND NOT SACRIFICE; see note on chap Matthew 9:13. The fourth commandment always allowed men on the Sabbath-day to relieve the distressed, to feed the hungry, and to perform all those labors which public worship and the best discharge of the appropriate duties of holy time require.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 12:8

LORD-OF THE SABBATH; he who made it, and to whose worship it is devoted. If it was right for David to appease his hunger, and for the priests to do what was needful for the worship of God in the temple, much more was it right for the disciples, in attending upon the Lord of the Sabbath and of the te... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 12:9

Imitators of Christ will on the Sabbath attend public worship, for the purpose of thus honoring God and benefiting their fellow-men.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 12:16

NOT MAKE HIM KNOWN; he wished to be retired from public view, and do his works of love and mercy as the prophets had foretold that he would, Isaiah 42:2-3; and thus furnish new evidence that he was the Messiah.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 12:18

CHOSEN; to be the Messiah. SHOW JUDGMENT; make known the truth to the Gentiles, and thus bring them into obedience to himself and become their Lord and Judge. Compare Isaiah 2:2-4; Isaiah 11:10; Isaiah 62:2; Malachi 1:1, etc.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 12:19

NOT STRIVE, NOR CRY; not come with outward show, as the Jews expected that he would. Human perfection, as exemplified in Christ, is compassionate, condescending, and kind; meek, lowly, and retiring. It does not unnecessarily awaken the opposition, or intrude upon the attention of others; while it is... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 12:20

A BRUISED REED; an emblem of persons who are feeble, and crushed with difficulties. NOT BREAK; not oppress or trample them down. SMOKING FLAX; the wick of the ancient lamps. SHALL HE NOT QUENCH; Christ would not quench, but cherish the feeblest beginnings of true grace. UNTO VICTORY; till his tr... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 12:24

BEELZEBUB; this name, among the Jews was applied to the prince of unclean spirits. By applying it to Christ, they expressed the utmost contempt. The ascription to the devil of what is performed by the Holy Ghost, is a sin peculiarly offensive to God, and exceedingly dangerous to men.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 12:27

CHILDREN; disciples of the Pharisees, who laid claim to the power of casting out devils, and were reputed so to do. SHALL BE YOUR JUDGES; shall convict you of folly and wickedness, in ascribing to Satan in my case what you ascribe to God's help in their case.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 12:29

HOW CAN ONE ENTER; our Lord now gives the true explanation of his casting out devils. Satan, as a strong man armed, has taken possession of this world and of the souls of men. But Christ is stronger than he. He casts him out of individual hearts at his will, and will finally cast him out of the worl... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 12:31

BE FORGIVEN UNTO MEN; if men repent of and forsake them, they are pardonable. BLASPHEMY AGAINST THE HOLY GHOST SHALL NOT BE FORGIVEN; it is unpardonable; it will never be repented of. The sin spoken of seems to have been that of malignantly ascribing to Satan what was known to be the work of the Sp... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 12:33

TREE; the heart. FRUIT; conversation and conduct. IS KNOWN; there is a correspondence between men's feelings and their actions, as there is between a tree and its fruits: the one is known by the other. These words have a double reference. First, to Christ: let the Pharisees show that his works are... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 12:37

WORDS; since they flow from the heart, and indicate its character, verse Matthew 12:34. JUSTIFIED; shown to be righteous. CONDEMNED; shown to be wicked.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 12:38

A SIGN; some miraculous appearance from heaven. Compare chap Matthew 16:1; MARK 8:11; JOHN 6:30. Like all cavillers, they profess not to be satisfied with the proofs he had given them of his divine mission: they must have signs according to their own dictation. Men who disbelieve and reject the trut... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 12:39

NO SIGN; no such sign as they desired. One would in due time be given, which would demonstrate his Messiahship; but it would not convince them.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 12:40

IN THE WHALE'S BELLY; in which he was a type of Christ's burial. THREE DAYS AND THREE NIGHTS; that is, parts of three days and nights. The burial of Christ took place on Friday. That was reckoned, according to Jewish custom, as one day. Saturday, through the whole of which Christ was in the tomb, c... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 12:42

QUEEN OF THE SOUTH; 1 Kings 10:1-9. UTTERMOST PARTS; a very distant country. GREATER THAN SOLOMON; though Solomon was the greatest of men as to wisdom, 1 Kings 3:13, Jesus was greater than he, or any mere man.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 12:45

SEVEN; a large or full number. MORE WICKED; some totally wicked spirits are more wicked than others. WORSE THAN THE FIRST; if men do not grow better under the means of grace, and permit the Holy Spirit to take possession of their hearts, they will grow worse. THIS WICKED GENERATION; the primary re... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 12:50

WHOSOEVER SHALL DO THE WILL OF MY FATHER-IS MY BROTHER, AND SISTER, AND MOTHER; my most intimate and endeared relatives and friends. These words contain a silent but powerful rebuke of the idolatrous honor paid by many to the mother of our Lord. No affection which ever did or can exist between earth... [ Continue Reading ]

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Old Testament