Justin Edwards' Family Bible NT (1851)
Matthew 21:8
Spread their garments; this was a royal honor, after the custom of the times.
Spread their garments; this was a royal honor, after the custom of the times.
Verse Matthew 21:8. _CUT DOWN BRANCHES FROM THE TREES_] Carrying palm and other branches was emblematical of victory and success. See 1 Mac. xiii. 51; 2 Mac. x. 7; and Revelation 7:9. The rabbins ac...
AND A VERY GREAT MULTITUDE ... - Others showed the same respect by throwing their garments before him; others by cutting down branches of trees and casting them in the way. This was the way in which c...
9. THE KING ENTERS INTO JERUSALEM. The Parables of the Two Sons and the Householder and His Vineyard. CHAPTER 21 1. The King Enters Jerusalem. (Matthew 21:1 .) 2. The Second Cleansing of the Temple...
THE TRIUMPHAL ENTRY (Mark 11:1 *, Luke 19:23; John 12:12). Mt. curiously misrepresents the poetic description of one animal in Zechariah 9:9 by making J
When they had come near to Jerusalem, and when they had come to Bethphage, to the Mount of Olives, then Jesus sent on two disciples ahead. "Go into the village which is facing you," he said, "and imme...
THE BEGINNING OF THE LAST ACT (Matthew 21:1-11)...
A VERY GREAT MULTITUDE. the greater part of the crowd: referring to the proportionate part, not to the actual size. IN. Greek. _en_. FROM. Greek. _apo._ App-104. STRAWED. were strewing. Same word a...
_a very great multitude_ Rather, THE GREATER PART OF THE CROWD. _spread their garments in the way_ Instances are recorded of similar acts of respect shewn to Rabbis by their disciples. See Schöttgen,...
_Nisan_9 (_Palm Sunday_). Ch. Matthew 21:1-10. The Royal Entry into Jerusalem Mark 11:1-11; Luke 19:29-40; John 1
Ὁ ΠΛΕΙ͂ΣΤΟΣ ὌΧΛΟΣ, the greater part of the crowd. ἜΣΤΡΩΣΑΝ ἙΑΥΤΩ͂Ν ΤᾺ ἹΜΆΤΙΑ. Instances are recorded of similar acts of respect shewn to Rabbis by their disciples. See Schöttgen, _ad loc_....
THE ROYAL ENTRY INTO JERUSALEM Mark 11:1-11; Luke 19:29-40; John 12:12-19. St Luke alone places here the incident of Christ weeping over Jerusalem ...
l. And when they drew nigh unto Jerusalem, and were come to Bethphage, unto the mount of Olives, then sent Jesus two disciples, 2. Saying unto them, "Go into the village over against you, and straight...
_WITH THE FINISH IN SIGHT JESUS ENTERED JERUSALEM AND CLEANSED THE TEMPLE MATTHEW 21:1-17:_ One of the great statements from this section concerned the donkey and colt, "The Lord has need of them." Yo...
ΠΛΕΊΣΤΟΣ _superl. от_ ΠΟΛΎΣ (G4183), относит, использование superl.: "громадный прирост" (IBG, 98). ΈΣΤΡΩΣΑΝ _aor. ind. act. от_ ΣΤΡΏΝΝΥΜΙ (G4766) расстилать. О расстилании одежд перед царями в ВЗ и...
AND A VERY GREAT MULTITUDE SPREAD THEIR GARMENTS— When the multitude saw Jesus mounted, they immediately bethought themselves of shewing him the honours which kings and conquerors obtained in their tr...
Section 54 JESUS ENTERS JERUSALEM IN MESSIANIC TRIUMPH (Parallels: Mark 11:1-11; Luke 19:29-44; John 12:12-19) TEXT 21:1-11 1 And when they drew nigh unto Jerusalem, and came unto Bethphage, unto th...
And when they drew nigh unto Jerusalem, and were come to Bethphage, unto the mount of Olives, then sent Jesus two disciples, For the exposition of this majestic scene-recorded, as will be seen, by...
20 James and John were the sons of Zebedee (Mar_:10:35). Our Lord called them “sons of thunder” (Mar_3:17), to indicate their tempestuous and violent disposition. The gentleness and love of John's wri...
SOLEMN ENTRY INTO JERUSALEM (Mark 11:1; Luke 19:29; John 12:12). More than a third of the entire Gospel narrative is occupied with the last week of Christ's life, commonly called Holy Week. The cause...
THE TRIUMPHAL ENTRY. CLEANSING OF THE TEMPLE Chronology of the Last Week of Christ's Life, commonly called Holy Week (chiefly after Hastings' 'Dictionary of Christ and the Gospels'). Sabbath, Nisan 8...
SPREAD THEIR GARMENTS] An extraordinary token of respect, such as was paid to kings and great conquerors (2 Kings 9:13). Plutarch says of Cato the younger that 'he was escorted, not with prayers which...
MATTHEW’S GOOD NEWS MATTHEW’S *GOSPEL _HILDA BRIGHT_ CHAPTER 21 JESUS ENTERS JERUSALEM 21:1-11 V1 As they came nearer to Jerusalem, they reached the town called Bethphage. It was on the Mount o...
AND A VERY GREAT MULTITUDE. — Better, _the greater part of the multitude._ Part of the crowd had come with Him from Galilee, part streamed from Bethany, excited by the recent resurrection of Lazarus ...
ὁ δὲ πλεῖστος ὄχλος, etc., the most part of the crowd, follow the example of the two disciples, and spread their upper garments on the way, as it were to make a carpet for the object of their enthusia...
τὴν ὄνον καὶ τὸν πῶλον : that both were brought is carefully specified in view of the prophetic oracle as understood by the evangelist to refer to two animals, not to one under two parallel names. ἐπέ...
_The entry_ (Mark 11:1-11; Luke 19:29-44)....
THE LORD OF THE TEMPLE Matthew 21:8-17 It was only a crowd of poor people who escorted Jesus on Palm Sunday to the Holy City; but they sent their hosannas upward to the highest, and their shouts of a...
In this cleansing of the Temple for the second time-He had done the same at the outset of His ministry- the Lord revealed His conception of the secret of all civic righteousness and strength. He revea...
TRIUMPHANT ENTRY John 12:12-19; Matthew 21:1-11; Matthew 21:14-17; Luke 19:29-44;...
"And the disciples went, and did as Jesus commanded them, (7) And brought the ass, and the colt, and put on them their clothes, and they set him thereon. (8) And a very great multitude spread their ga...
We now enter on the Lord's final presentation of Himself to Jerusalem, traced, however, from Jericho; that is, from the city which had once been the stronghold of the power of the Canaanite. The Lord...
8._And a very great multitude. _Here the Evangelists relate that Christ was acknowledged as a king by the people. It might, indeed, appear to be a ludicrous exhibition, (718) that a multitude of obscu...
Afterwards (chapter 21), disposing of all that belonged to His willing people, He makes His entry into Jerusalem as King and Lord, according to the testimony of Zechariah. But although entering as Kin...
AND A VERY GREAT MULTITUDE,.... Which consisted partly of the great multitude which followed Christ from Jericho, and partly of the much people that were come up to the feast of the passover from dive...
And a very great multitude spread their garments in the way; others cut down branches from the trees, and strawed _them_ in the way. Ver. 8. _And a very great multitude_] Bondinius saith, he was met...
_The disciples went, &c._ (_and found even as he had said unto them_, Luke,) found his prediction exactly true. And how convincing must this have been of the divine mission of Jesus, not only to the t...
The triumphant entry:...
It is a moment of most serious significance as the Lord is now about to enter Jerusalem. He is to be publicly presented to Israel, yet in lowly grace, not in power and majesty. Two of His disciples ar...
1-11 This coming of Christ was described by the prophet Zechariah, Zechariah 9:9. When Christ would appear in his glory, it is in his meekness, not in his majesty, in mercy to work salvation. As meek...
Irenaeus Against Heresies Book IV recognised David their king in His sorrow of soul, and spread their garments for Him, and ornamented the way with green boughs, crying out with great joy and gladnes...
Matthew 21:8 And G1161 great G4118 multitude G3793 spread G4766 (G5656) their G1438 clothes G2440 on G1722 road...
THE RIDE INTO JERUSALEM (21:8-17). Passover time was always a time of high excitement and fervour. At that time pilgrims would be flooding into Jerusalem from Galilee and Peraea, as well as from Judae...
‘And the greater part of the crowd spread their robes in the way, and others cut branches from the trees, and spread them in the way.' At His approach on the ass, surrounded by the crowds, the excited...
The date of the public entry into Jerusalem (narrated by all four Evangelists) was _Sunday, the_ _10th of the month Nisan._ We hold that our Lord ate the Passover at the usual time (see on chap. Matth...
Matthew 21:8. MOST OF THE MULTITUDE. Some (probably the mater number, as it would seem from Matthew 21:11) had come from Galilee and accompanied the Lord from Jericho, others had come out from Jerusal...
THE MOST PART OF THE MULTITUDE (ο πλειστος οχλος). See Matthew 11:20 for this same idiom, article with superlative, a true superlative (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 670).IN THE WAY (εν τη οδω). This t...
CONTENTS: The triumphant entry. Jesus' second purification of the temple. Barren fig tree cursed. Jesus' authority questioned. Parable of the two sons in the vineyard. Parable of the house-holder dema...
Matthew 21:1. _When they were come to Bethphage._ The rabbins dispute about the etymon of this village, whether it mean the “house of the fountain,” as is the literal import; or the “house of grossiti...
A GREAT CROWD OF PEOPLE SPREAD THEIR CLOAKS. The Law required the Jewish people to gather in Jerusalem for the Passover. Josephus, the historian, says a few million people would be there. Some thousan...
_And when they drew nigh unto Jerusalem, and were come to Beth-phage._ SIXTH SUNDAY IN LENT I. It presents an illustration of the relation of Christ to the religious feeling of mankind. We are relig...
MATTHEW—NOTE ON MATTHEW 21:1 The Messiah Asserts His Authority over Jerusalem. Jesus’ authority over Jerusalem is revealed in his triumphal entry (Matthew 21:1), action
MATTHEW—NOTE ON MATTHEW 21:8 CLOAKS ON THE ROAD symbolized the crowd’s submission to Jesus as king (see 2 Kings 9:13). BRANCHES (palms) sym
Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a donkey Matthew 21:1-9; Mark 11:1-10; Luke 19:28-38; John 12:12-15;...
1-46 CHAPTER 21 _And when they were come nigh_, &c. Mark has (Mark 11:1), "And when they came nigh to Jerusalem, unto Bethphage and Bethany, at the mount of Olives, He sendeth forth two of His discip...
_CRITICAL NOTES_ We now enter upon the crowded and peculiarly solemn events of the great week of our Saviour’s career, His last week—the passion week (_Morison_). Matthew 21:1. JERUSALEM.—The Jerusal...
EXPOSITION MATTHEW 21:1 _Triumphal entry into Jerusalem_. (Mark 11:1; Luke 19:29; John 12:12.)...
Now when they drew near to Jerusalem, they were come to Bethphage, unto the mount of Olives, and then Jesus sent two disciples, saying unto them, Go into the village over against you, and immediately...
John 12:13; Leviticus 23:40...
A great multitude spread their garments in the way — A custom which was usual at the creation of a king, 2 Kings 9:13....