Justin Edwards' Family Bible NT (1851)
Matthew 23:27
Whited sepulchres; sepulchres newly whitewashed, according to the custom of the country at certain periods.
Whited sepulchres; sepulchres newly whitewashed, according to the custom of the country at certain periods.
Verse Matthew 23:27. _FOR YE ARE LIKE_] παρομοιαζετε, _ye exactly_ _resemble _- the parallel is complete. _WHITED SEPULCHRES_] _White-washed tombs_. As the law considered those unclean who had touch...
LIKE UNTO WHITED SEPULCHRES - For the construction of sepulchres, see the notes at Matthew 8:28. Those tombs were annually whitewashed to prevent the people from accidentally coming in contact with th...
11. THE WOES OF THE KING AND HIS LAMENTATION OVER JERUSALEM. CHAPTER 23 1. The Hypocrisy of the Pharisees.(Matthew 23:1 .) 2. The Woes of the King upon Them.(Matthew 23:13 .) 3. The Lamentation over...
SEVEN WOES. Seven is a sacred number and often used in Mt., as in OT (_cf._ especially Isaiah 5) and _Rev._ The first three treat of Pharisaic teaching, the last three of Pharisaic character, the four...
"Alas for you, Scribes and Pharisees! for you are like white-washed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside, but inside are full of the bones of dead men, and of all corruption. So you, too, outwar...
SCRIBES AND PHARISEES (Matthew 23:1-39) If a man is characteristically and temperamentally an irritable, ill-tempered and irascible creature, notoriously given to uncontrolled outbursts of passionate...
WOE, &C. Compare Matthew 5:9, and see App-126. ARE LIKE UNTO. Greek. _paromoiazo._ Occurs only here. WHITED. Sepulchres were whitened. month before the Passover, to warn off persons from contracting...
_like unto whited sepulchres_ In Luke the comparison is to "graves that appear not," by walking over which men unconsciously defile themselves. To avoid this ceremonial defilement the Jews carefully w...
ΤΆΦΟΙΣ ΚΕΚΟΝΙΑΜΈΝΟΙΣ. In Luke the comparison is to ‘graves that appear not,’ by walking over which men unconsciously defile themselves. To avoid this ceremonial defilement the Jews carefully whitewash...
Matthew 23:1-36. A PROPHETIC ODE, DENOUNCING THE PHARISEES AND THE RELIGIOUS HYPOCRISY OF THE AGE Each division is marked by its special beauty of poetical form....
_MORE WOES FOR THE SCRIBES, PHARISEES, HYPOCRITES MATTHEW 23:25-33:_ The scribes and Pharisees were not clean on the inside, in their heart, where it mattered. They were religiously beautiful on the o...
ΠΑΡΟΜΟΙΆΖΕΤΕ _praes. ind. act. от_ ΠΑΡΑΜΟΙΆΖΩ (G3945) быть подобным (с _dat._). ΤΆΦΟΣ (G5028) могила, ΚΕΚΟΝΙΑΜΈΝΟΙΣ _perf. pass. part. от_ ΚΟΝΙΆΩ (G2867) делать белым, белить с помощью мела или изве...
YE MAKE CLEAN THE OUTSIDE, &C.— 6. The _sixth_ woe is denounced for their hypocrisy: they were at great pains to appear virtuous, and to have a decent external conduct, while they neglected to beautif...
YE ARE LIKE UNTO WHITED SEPULCHRES— 7. The se_venth_ woe is denounced for the excess of their hypocrisy. By their care of external appearances, the Pharisees and Scribes made a fair shew, and deceived...
TEXT: 23:25-28 25 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye cleanse the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full from extortion and excess. 26 Thou blind Pharisee,...
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness. WOE...
16 The Pharisees had practically annulled the Scriptures by false interpretations and especially by human additions. Their commentaries were full of distinctions which destroyed the spiritual force of...
23:27 which (b-14) 'Which are such as.'...
WHITED SEPULCHRES] Contact with sepulchres defiled, so that the Jews smeared them with limewash yearly on the 15th day of Adar lest travellers touching them unawares should be made unclean. In Luke 11...
THE SEVEN WOES ON THE SCRIBES AND PHARISEES. Jesus, knowing that His death was at hand, and that the conversion of His enemies was hopeless, poured upon them a torrent of righteous indignation, in the...
DENUNCIATION OF THE PHARISEES 1-36. Final denunciation of the Scribes and Pharisees. The other synoptists insert in this place a brief utterance directed against the scribes (Mark 12:38; Luke 20:45),...
MATTHEW’S GOOD NEWS MATTHEW’S *GOSPEL _HILDA BRIGHT_ CHAPTER 23 JESUS ACCUSES THE *PHARISEES 23:1-12 V1 Then Jesus spoke to the crowds and to his *disciples. V2 ‘The men who teach the *Law and...
YE ARE LIKE UNTO WHITED SEPULCHRES. — Contact with a sepulchre brought with it ceremonial uncleanness, and all burial-places were accordingly white-washed once a year, on the 15th day of the month Ada...
6; Matthew 22:1; Matthew 23:1 CHAPTER 17 Conflict in the Temple - Matthew 21:18 - Matthew 22:1 -...
_Sixth woe_, referring to no special Pharisaic vice, but giving a graphic picture of their hypocrisy in general (_cf._ Luke 11:44)....
παρομοιάζετε, in [128] ὁμοιάζετε, under either form an _hapaxleg._ κεκονιαμένοις (from κονία, dust, slaked lime), whitewashed, referring to the practice of whitewashing the sepulchres in the month Ada...
_The seven woes_. There are eight, if we count that in Matthew 23:13 of T. R., but as this ver. is omitted in the best MSS. and appears to be a gloss from Mk. and Lk. I do not count it. _Vide_ notes o...
JUDGMENT AND LAMENT Matthew 23:27-39 True goodness recognizes and rewards good in the living; while the evil-minded cannot, or will not, believe that the people whom they meet daily are purely and si...
This chapter is one of the most sublime and awful in the whole inspired volume. It records the last words of Jesus to the crowds. He summed up, He reached His verdict, He pronounced sentence. It is a...
Whitened sepulchres. The Jews, lest they should be defiled with touching the sepuchres, whitened them on the outside, in order to distinguish them. But this exterior whiteness, covering interior corru...
WOES AGAINST THE SCRIBES AND PHARISEES Luke 20:47; Mark 12:40; Matthew 23:13-39. “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because you devour the houses of widows, and through pretense make lo...
"But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in. (14) Woe unt...
We now enter on the Lord's final presentation of Himself to Jerusalem, traced, however, from Jericho; that is, from the city which had once been the stronghold of the power of the Canaanite. The Lord...
27_You are like whitened sepulchers. _This is a different metaphor, but the meaning is the same; for he compares them to _sepulchers, _which the men of the world ambitiously construct with great beaut...
Chapter 23 clearly shews how far the disciples are viewed in connection with the nation, inasmuch as they were Jews, although the Lord judges the leaders, who beguiled the people and dishonoured God b...
WOE UNTO YOU SCRIBES AND PHARISEES, HYPOCRITES,.... It is much these men could bear to hear themselves so often called by this name; and it shows great courage in our Lord, so freely to reprove them,...
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead _men's_ bones, and of all uncleanness. Ver....
_Wo unto you, for you are like whited sepulchres_ Here we have the seventh wo. Dr. Shaw, (_Trav._, p. 285,) gives a genial description of the different sorts of tombs and sepulchres in the East conclu...
The seventh woe:...
The Lord now turns to speak to the entire crowd, His disciples being mentioned as included. He warns them against the hypocrisy of scribes and Pharisees, for they sat in Moses' seat as enforcers of th...
13-33 The scribes and Pharisees were enemies to the gospel of Christ, and therefore to the salvation of the souls of men. It is bad to keep away from Christ ourselves, but worse also to keep others f...
Dialogue of Justin s; and do so in a low and sordid manner, while they never venture either to speak of or to expound the points which are great and worthy of investigation, or command you to give no...
Matthew 23:27 Woe G3759 you G5213 scribes G1122 and G2532 Pharisees G5330 hypocrites G5273 For G3754 like G3945 ...
“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you are like whited sepulchres, which outwardly appear beautiful, but inwardly are full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness. Even so you als...
TWO EXAMPLES OF THE WAY IN WHICH THEY PUT ON A SHOW BUT DO NOT DEAL WITH WHAT IS UNACCEPTABLE UNDERNEATH (23:25-28). Having demonstrated that justice, mercy and compassion, and faithfulness was to enj...
JESUS FACES THE SCRIBES AND PHARISEES UP TO THEIR HYPOCRISY (23:13-33). It will be quite clear that the words which Jesus has spoken to His disciples and the crowds could hardly have failed to rile th...
WORDS IN THE TEMPLE (23:1-39). a Exhortation to His disciples and the crowds not to be like the Scribes and Pharisees, but to be doers and not hearers only. In contrast to the Scribes and Pharisees t...
This discourse (peculiar to Matthew) was delivered on Tuesday preceding the crucifixion, although similar sayings (found in Luke 11:13) were uttered on a previous occasion. The intercourse with the Ph...
Matthew 23:27. WHITED SEPULCHRES. On the 15 th of Adar, before the Passover, the Jews whitewashed all spots where graves were situated. This was done to prevent the passage over them, which occasioned...
WHITED SEPULCHRE (ταφοις κεκονιαμενοις). The perfect passive participle is from κονιαω and that from κονια, dust or lime. Whitened with powdered lime dust, the sepulchres of the poor in the fields o...
CONTENTS: Jesus denounces woes upon the Pharisees for their hypocrisy. His lament over Jerusalem. CHARACTERS: Jesus. CONCLUSION: Nothing is more displeasing to our Lord Jesus Christ than hyprocrisy,...
Matthew 23:2. _Sit in Moses' seat._ The sanhedrim had seventy one chairs of gold, or rather gilt with gold. The council which sat at Alexandria had also chairs of gold. The highpriest was the presiden...
_27-28._ YOU ARE LIKE WHITEWASHED TOMBS. Just before the time of Passover, all the tombs and graves were whitewashed so no one would be made ritually unclean by touching one of them (Numbers 19:16), a...
_For ye make clean the outside of the cup._ MORAL ABLUTION By this allusion to the cup and platter the Saviour taught that it is necessary to cleanse the heart first, that the external conduct might...
MATTHEW—NOTE ON MATTHEW 23:27 _Sixth woe: whitewashed tombs._ The Pharisees were like TOMBS, which in Jesus’ day could be OUTWARDLY very BEAUTIFUL but...
MATTHEW—NOTE ON MATTHEW 23:13 Jesus now speaks directly to the scribes and Pharisees. He declares seven “woes” (or laments) upon them that echo the criticisms he has repeated throughout his ministry....
CHAPTER 23 _Then Jesus spake_, &c. _Then_, that is to say, when, by His most wise answers and reasonings, He had confounded the errors of the Scribes and Pharisees, and had proved that He was the Mes...
_CRITICAL NOTES_ Matthew 23:16. GOLD OF THE TEMPLE.—The exact meaning of this expression is uncertain; but the probability is that it refers to money offered as a gift to God, to which the scribes an...
EXPOSITION MATTHEW 23:1 _Denunciation of the scribes and Pharisees, and lamentation over Jerusalem which followed their guidance to her own destruction. _(Peculiar to St. Matthew.) MATTHEW 23:1 TH...
Matthew's gospel twenty-three. Jesus has been at the temple and He was challenged as to His authority by these priests, and then He was asked questions by the scribes, the Pharisees, the Sadducees. An...
Acts 23:3; Isaiah 58:1; Isaiah 58:2; Luke 11:44; Numbers 19:16...
Whited sepulchres [τ α φ ο ι ς κ ε κ ο ν ι α μ ε ν ο ι ς]. Not the rock - tombs, belonging mostly to the rich, but the graves covered with plastered structures. In general, cemeteries were outside of...
A DOUBLE-MINDED MAN Matthew 23:23 INTRODUCTORY WORDS "A double minded man is unstable in all his days." We have in Matthew 23:1, a striking illustration of these words. 1. WE HAVE PIETY as A PRETEN...
Here we have. woe denounced against the Pharisees for cheating and deceiving the people with an outward shew, and external appearance of piety and religion: their lives were seemingly very religious b...