Matthew 7:1
JUDGE NOT; rashly, censoriously, or unjustly, the character or conduct of others. Harsh judgments will provoke retaliation.... [ Continue Reading ]
JUDGE NOT; rashly, censoriously, or unjustly, the character or conduct of others. Harsh judgments will provoke retaliation.... [ Continue Reading ]
BE JUDGED-MEASURED; you may expect to be treated as you treat others. Luke 6:37.... [ Continue Reading ]
Men who are exceedingly blind to their own faults, are often exceedingly quicksighted to the faults of others.... [ Continue Reading ]
Those who labor most successfully in advancing their own spiritual welfare, are the best fitted to be useful to others.... [ Continue Reading ]
THAT WHICH IS HOLY; the holy flesh of the sacrifices. TRAMPLE THEM; as things to them valueless. TURN-AND REND YOU; turn from the pearls in rage to attack the given, because he has offered them what they cannot eat. Dogs and swine represent selfish, quarrelsome, rapacious, and sensual men, whom it... [ Continue Reading ]
ASK; in every thing by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God. SEEK; continue to ask of God the blessings which you need. KNOCK; at the door of his mercy and grace, with sincerity and earnestness, in the way of his appointment, and you shall be admitte... [ Continue Reading ]
EVERY ONE; all who rightly ask, receive either what they ask or something better in its place.... [ Continue Reading ]
GOOD GIFTS; things which are needed and truly beneficial. The readiness of a kind, affectionate parent to give necessary food to a famishing child, is but a faint emblem of the readiness of God to give all needed good to those who rightly ask him.... [ Continue Reading ]
SO; do to others as, under like circumstances, you ought to wish others to do to you. THIS IS THE LAW AND THE PROPHETS; what is required in the Old Testament.... [ Continue Reading ]
STRAIT GATE; strait here means narrow and difficult, and represents the difficulty of entering on a religious life, or beginning heartily to obey God. WIDE; easy to enter, requiring one only to follow his own depraved inclinations. The difficulties which stand in the way of beginning from the heart... [ Continue Reading ]
FEW; that find or go in the way of life. This truth is contrary to what many teach. Therefore,... [ Continue Reading ]
BEWARE; avoid false teachers. SHEEP'S CLOTHING; appearing in the character of true teachers. WOLVES; selfish, greedy of gain, and disposed to plunder. False teachers may, at first, appear very interesting; but they should be judged of, not by their appearance merely, but by the character and effec... [ Continue Reading ]
FRUITS; the nature and effects of their doctrines and conduct.... [ Continue Reading ]
NOT EVERY ONE; men are to be judged of, not by their words only, but by their principles and conduct. They must obey the revealed will of God, and to be accepted of him, must do it with the heart. The only sure test of true religion, is the doing of the known will of God.... [ Continue Reading ]
NEVER KNEW YOU; as my disciples.... [ Continue Reading ]
A WISE MAN; one who selects good ends, and uses the right means to attain them.... [ Continue Reading ]
The hopes of those who believe in Christ as the Lord their righteousness, and do his will, can never be disappointed.... [ Continue Reading ]
Those hopes which are not founded on Jesus Christ, but upon human merit, or on the mercy of God without faith in Christ and obedience to him, will perish at the giving up of the ghost. Proverbs 11:7.... [ Continue Reading ]
ENDED; finished his sermon on the mount, as recorded in the last three Chapter s. ASTONISHED; no wonder, for this is a most astonishing sermon. It fills up, in its explanations, the law of God to its divine fulness. It shows to men the way of excellence, usefulness, and happiness. It points out the... [ Continue Reading ]
TAUGHT-AS ONE HAVING AUTHORITY; the Pharisees quoted what the fathers had said; Christ spoke in his own right. He had authority over the winds and the waves, over diseases and devils, and over all creatures in heaven, earth, and hell. Such was his character, dominion, and work, that even in his deep... [ Continue Reading ]