THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST; that made by Jesus Christ.
WHICH GOD GAVE UNTO HIM; here, as uniformly in the New Testament,
Christ is represented as acting according to the commission which he
has received from God the Father. Compare John 3:34; John 5:20; John
7:16; John 10:32; John 12:49.
MUST S... [ Continue Reading ]
THE WORD OF GOD; the word revealed by God.
THE TESTIMONY OF JESUS CHRIST; the testimony borne to the truth by
Jesus Christ, "the faithful and true Witness," chap Revelation 3:14.... [ Continue Reading ]
KEEP THOSE THINGS; remember the truths herein taught, and do the
duties required.
THE TIME IS AT HAND; see note to verse Revelation 1:1.... [ Continue Reading ]
TO THE SEVEN CHURCHES WHICH ARE IN ASIA; we are to understand here the
Roman province of Proconsular Asia, embracing the provinces of Mysia,
Lydia, Caria, and as it would seem, the western part of Phrygia also,
in which Laodicea was situated. From the naming of these seven it does
not follow that th... [ Continue Reading ]
THE FIRST - BEGOTTEN OF THE DEAD; the first who rose to die no more,
and the leader and head of all who shall be by his divine power raised
from the dead to eternal life.
HIM; Jesus Christ.... [ Continue Reading ]
KINGS AND PRIESTS; to reign with him in glory, chap Revelation 22:5,
and to offer to God through him spiritual sacrifices, 1 Peter 2:5. The
source of grace, mercy, and peace, is the self-existent, eternal,
unchangeable Jehovah; and for the manifestation of himself as the
Father, the Son, and the Hol... [ Continue Reading ]
HE COMETH; for the deliverance of his friends and the ruin of his
there is here an allusion to Zechariah 12:10-14, but with a different
application of the words. In Zechariah it is a penitential mourning;
but here, as in Mat... [ Continue Reading ]
ALPHA AND OMEGA; these are the first and last letters of the Greek
alphabet, and by thus applying them to himself, Christ shows that he
is the cause and end of all things. Compare Isaiah 44:6.
IS-WAS-IS TO COME; a description of Christ as Jehovah, self-existent,
unchangeable, and eternal. See note... [ Continue Reading ]
BROTHER-COMPANION; a fellow-Christian, who, with others, was suffering
persecution on account of his religion.
PATMOS; a desolate island in the Aegean sea.
FOR THE WORD OF GOD; on account of my fidelity in preaching it. He had
been banished to Patmos by the persecutors of Christianity.... [ Continue Reading ]
IN THE SPIRIT; under his miraculous and prophetical influence.
THE LORD'S DAY; the first day of the week, commemorating the Lord's
resurrection, and observed as a day of divine worship, the Christian
A GREAT VOICE; that of Jesus Christ. Verse Revelation 1:13. The fact
that the first day o... [ Continue Reading ]
EPHESUS; the capital city of Proconsular Asia, lying near the
Mediterranean sea.
SMYRNA; a seaport of the Mediterranean about forty miles north of
PERGAMOS; on the river Caicus, about twenty miles from the sea, and
sixty miles north of Smyrna.
THYATIRA; a city in the province of Lydia no... [ Continue Reading ]
SEVEN GOLDEN CANDLESTICKS; these represented the seven churches in the
places above mentioned. Verse Revelation 1:20.... [ Continue Reading ]
ONE LIKE UNTO THE SON OF MAN; compare Daniel 7:13, where "one like the
Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of
days." In both cases it is Christ, who, when on earth, called himself
"the Son of man." In the description of his person that follows, the
writer combines what... [ Continue Reading ]
FINE BRASS; the word used in the original is generally thought to
denote a mixed metal composed of gold and silver, and distinguished
for its brilliancy.
AS IF THEY BURNED IN A FURNACE; shining with intense brightness.... [ Continue Reading ]
SEVEN STARS; representing the angels of the seven churches, verse
Revelation 1:20.
A SHARP TWO - EDGED SWORD; with which he smites the nations, chap
Revelation 19:15; compare Isaiah 11:4; Isaiah 49:2, which are also
prophecies of the Messiah. The symbol denotes the efficacy of his
doctrine, and of... [ Continue Reading ]
AS DEAD; being overcome by the divine majesty and glory of the
THE FIRST AND THE LAST; a direct ascription to himself of the
attributes of deity. See Isaiah 43:10; Isaiah 44:6. A full view of the
Saviour's glory would be more than any man in his life could bear; and
in the future life, wh... [ Continue Reading ]
THE KEYS OF HELL AND OF DEATH; supreme power over hell and death.
Hell, in the original Hades, is here the place of the dead.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE THINGS WHICH THOU HAST SEEN; in the vision just described.
WHICH ARE; the present state of the seven churches, chaps Revelation
2:1-29 ; REVELATION 3:1-22.
WHICH SHALL BE; the revelations of future events which he is about to
receive.... [ Continue Reading ]
spiritual leaders.
ARE THE SEVEN CHURCHES; represent them. The fact that Jesus Christ
said, "The seven candlesticks are the seven churches," does not
require us to believe that a candlestick is literally a church; nor do
his words... [ Continue Reading ]