The hidden manna; the true spiritual manna laid up in heaven for Christ's faithful servants; alluding to the literal manna that was laid up before the Lord in holy of holies. Exodus 16:32-34.

A white stone; there is a reference here to the practice in common use among the ancients of making inscriptions on small stones for various purposes. White is the color of victory.

A new name written; expressive of the new character and new privileges bestowed upon the bearer.

No man knoweth, saving he that receiveth it; an intimation that the love of God shed abroad in the hearts of his children here, and the heavenly inheritance of which it is the foretaste and earnest, can be known only by possession; perhaps, also, that each child of God has his own individual experience, which he alone can understand. The blessedness of true religion is great beyond description, and known only to those who enjoy it.

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Old Testament