Did not Israel know? have in their own scriptures the means of knowing; namely, that the Gentiles as well as the Jews were to hear the gospel, and that multitudes of them would embrace it, while the unbelieving and disobedient Jews were to be rejected? This had been foretold.

First Moses saith; as much as to say, To begin with Moses, the first of all the sacred writers. The passage quoted is in Deuteronomy 32:21. It teaches that for their disobedience God will provoke the covenant people to anger by exalting the heathen nations above them. This has been fulfilled, first, in a temporal way, by their repeated subjection-as at this very day-to the dominion of gentile nations; secondly, in a spiritual way, by God's casting off the unbelieving Jews, and calling into the church the believing Gentiles. It is to this latter fulfilment that the apostle here refers.

No people; as idolaters, not worth to be called a people in contrast with the people of God.

Foolish nation; stupidly worshipping idols.

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Old Testament