Romans 11:1

CAST AWAY HIS PEOPLE; cast them off as a people, so as to break his covenant with them. The answer is, No; he has cast off the unbelieving part of them, and saved the believing remnant. The apostle then proceeds to show, by quotations from the Jewish scriptures, that God has always proceeded in this... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:2

HIS PEOPLE WHICH HE FOREKNEW; that is, the remnant of his people which he foreknew. See note to chap Romans 8:29. WOT; know. MAKETH INTERCESSION; 1 Kings 19:10.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:5

A REMNANT; a small number of the Jewish nation who belong to his redeemed people, and to whom his promises to Abraham of spiritual blessings, were made. Galatians 3:29. ELECTION OF GRACE; God's gracious choice of them to be his people. When multitudes enter the wide gate, and walk in the broad way... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:6

NO MORE OF WORKS; if his choice of them were of grace, it was not on the ground of any merit in them; because, if it were, it would be of debt, not of grace.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:7

WHAT THEN? what is the conclusion to which we come? ISRAEL; the great body of the Jewish nation. THAT WHICH HE SEEKETH FOR; righteousness and acceptance with God. THE ELECTION; those whom God graciously chose to be his people, and whom he gave to Jesus Christ. John 6:37; John 10:26-30. BLINDED; by... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:9

DAVID SAITH; PSALMS 69:22-23. As David was, by divine appointment, an eminent type of Christ, so the destruction of David's enemies typified that of the enemies of Christ, the great antitype. And in the case of both David's and Christ's enemies the great principle was illustrated, that the wicked an... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:10

BOW DOWN THEIR BACK ALWAY; the same as "make their loins continually to shake," namely, with terror and anguish. Psalms 69:23.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:11

HAVE THEY STUMBLED THAT THEY SHOULD FALL? irrecoverably fall? Will the great body of the Jews always continue in unbelief, and all for ever perish? Certainly not. SALVATION IS COME UNTO THE GENTILES; the rejection of the Messiah by the Jews was made the occasion of his being preached to the Gentile... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:12

THEM; the Jews. BE THE RICHES OF THE WORLD; be the occasion of great good to the world. HOW MUCH MORE; will their restoration to the favor of God be the occasion of greater good. The ruin of some men is overruled by God as the occasion of great good to others.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:13

I MAGNIFY MINE OFFICE; his office as apostle to the Gentiles. This he showed to be highly honorable, as connected with the plan of God for the salvation of men.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:14

PROVOKE TO EMULATION; provoke to jealousy, as in verse Romans 11:11; and chap Romans 10:19, where the original Greek uses the same word. The apostle means, provoke to jealousy in such a way that they shall be stirred up to seek the blessings which they see taken from them on account of the unbelief,... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:16

THE FIRST - FRUIT; the cake made from the first dough of the new harvest, which the Israelites were required to offer to the Lord, before they ate of it. See Numbers 15:20. BE HOLY; consecrated to God. THE LUMP; the whole mass of dough from which the offering was taken. THE ROOT; of the tree. The... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:17

SOME OF THE BRANCHES; the Jews, the natural descendants of Abraham, called on this account, verse Romans 11:21, natural branches. A WILD OLIVE - TREE; one that is uncultivated and bears no valuable fruit; representing the Gentiles.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:18

BOAST NOT AGAINST THE BRANCHES; the natural branches, the Jews. Do not exult over them, as if you were naturally better than they, and were in no danger. THE ROOT; the original church of God consisting of Abraham's seed, into which the Gentiles are grafted by faith.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:20

BECAUSE OF UNBELIEF; their unbelief was the cause of their rejection. THOU STANDEST BY FAITH; continued faith in Christ and obedience to him are essential to your continuance as the people of God. HIGH - MINDED; elated, proud, haughty. FEAR; walk humbly in the fear and love of God, lest you too b... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:22

ON THEM WHICH FELL; the unbelieving Jews. SEVERITY; just, righteous punishment. TOWARD THEE; the believing Gentiles. GOODNESS; gratuitous favor. IF THOU CONTINUE IN HIS GOODNESS; by continuing to believe and obey him.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:25

OF THIS MYSTERY; unattainable by mere human reason, and which has not hitherto been clearly revealed: that the rejection of the Messiah by the Jews was to be only temporary; and that when multitudes of the Gentiles should be converted to him, then the Jews also would acknowledge him, and be again re... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:26

ALL ISRAEL; Israel as a nation, and not, as now, a remnant of believing individuals. AS IT IS WRITTEN; ISAIAH 59:20-21; PSALMS 14:7; Jeremiah 31:31-34; HEBREWS 10:15-18. However great the present blindness of the Jews, however strong their opposition to Jesus of Nazareth, the time is coming when the... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:28

AS CONCERNING THE GOSPEL; in respect to the spread of the gospel. ENEMIES FOR YOUR SAKES; enemies to the gospel and rejecters of it in such a way that, by the wise appointment of God, it shall be more generally preached and obeyed among the Gentiles. The rejection of the gospel by the Jews was the... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:29

GIFTS AND CALLING OF GOD; his choosing them as his people, and his promises to give them spiritual blessings. ARE WITHOUT REPENTANCE; will not be revoked. God will not change his determination, or fail to bestow the blessings which he has promised.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:30

THROUGH THEIR UNBELIEF; their unbelief was made the occasion of your having the gospel preached to you, and thus obtaining mercy.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:31

THROUGH YOUR MERCY; through the mercy bestowed upon you by God, in bringing you into his church. For the converted Gentiles shall, in their turn, be instrumental in bringing back the Jewish people to Christ.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:32

HATH CONCLUDED; left shut up, as in a prison, without any hope of relief, from their own works. THEM ALL; the whole, both Jews and Gentiles. THAT HE MIGHT HAVE MERCY UPON ALL; and thus Jews and Gentiles alike be made to feel and acknowledge that their salvation is of grace, not of works.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:33

The reasons of the proceedings of God with men are often by them unknown, and can never be fully understood; yet we may be certain that he, in all cases, has reasons which are perfectly wise and infinitely good. No objection therefore ought to be made, by any one, to any thing that God does; but the... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:34

WHO; can understand the mind of God? or, who ever taught him any thing? No one. He is alone the sum and source of all. Isaiah 40:13; Jeremiah 23:18. He needeth not and receiveth not information from any of his creatures. Acts 17:24-28.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:35

WHO HATH FIRST GIVEN; who ever gave to God any thing which God did not first give to him? No one; for no one ever had any thing, except what he received from God.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 11:36

OF HIM; God, as their Creator. THROUGH HIM; as their Preserver and Benefactor. TO HIM; as their great end. ARE ALL THINGS; all things were created, are perserved and controlled, and will be disposed of, to the promotion of his glory. TO WHOM BE GLORY FOR EVER; it all belongs to Him, to Him let i... [ Continue Reading ]

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