What then? what is the conclusion to which we come? Israel; the great body of the Jewish nation.

That which he seeketh for; righteousness and acceptance with God.

The election; those whom God graciously chose to be his people, and whom he gave to Jesus Christ. John 6:37; John 10:26-30.

Blinded; by their sins, in refusing to come to the light, and given up to hardness of heart, as a punishment for their transgressions. John 3:20. If none were chosen of God to eternal life, none would be saved, because none would take the only way of salvation. His choosing them was not because they were naturally better than others, or on account of any thing spiritually good in them; but it was a favor graciously bestowed, and which, through his grace, is connected with believing in Christ, repenting of sin, and persevering in obedience to eternal life. Of course we ought to be as grateful to God for his election of men, as for their salvation.

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Old Testament