Not as the offence; having called Adam the type of Christ, it was natural that the apostle should show that there is not a likeness in all respects between Adam and Christ; or between the evil which comes through the one, and the good which comes through the other. In several respects there is a difference; some of which he proceeds to mention.

Many be dead; there is a difference in the kind of extent of influence. That of Adam works death; that of Christ brings to all who receive him superabounding grace and life.

Hath abounded; hath, to those who embrace Jesus Christ, gone beyond the mere removal of the evil which comes upon them through Adam; giving them good which is more safe, more abundant, more glorious than he or they ever lost, or could in any way, except through faith in him, ever have enjoyed. John 10:10. The evil which one offence of Adam brought on him and his posterity, shows in a wonderful manner the evil nature and destructive tendency of sin, and the great guilt and danger of committing it, and should lead all to hate and at once forsake it.

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Old Testament