Ye also are become dead to the law; in carrying out the comparison, the apostle necessarily changes its form somewhat. He could not well say that the law, which may be here regarded as their former husband, was dead. Instead of that, he says, Ye are become dead to the law; the essential idea being that the death of either party dissolves the relation existing between them.

By the body of Christ; by his crucified body making expiation for your sins. Thus ye are released from the law as a means of justification before God, so that ye are no longer in this respect bound to it, any more than a woman is bound to her husband after he is dead. Thus the way is prepared that ye should be married to another, even Christ; in other words, should come into a state of justification by virtue of your union with Christ through faith. Deliverance from the law of God as a covenant of works, and from the necessity of obeying it as a ground of justification, is essential to the obeying of it as a rule of duty.

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Old Testament