the LORD God of hosts. First occurrence of this title. See App-4. Jehovah Elohim zeb'aoth. It occurs in 2 Samuel 5:10, but in narrative, not address. "The LORD (Jehovah) God (Elohim) of hosts" occurs only here in Kings and Chronicles. Often in Psalms (1Ki 59:6. 1Ki 69:6. 1Ki 80:4, 1Ki 80:19. 1Ki 84:8. 1Ki 89:8). In Isaiah 10:23; Isaiah 10:24; Isaiah 22:5; Isaiah 22:12; Isaiah 22:14; Isaiah 22:15; Isaiah 28:22.Jeremiah 2:19; Jeremiah 5:14; Jeremiah 15:16; Jeremiah 35:17; Jeremiah 49:5; Jeremiah 50:25; Jeremiah 50:31.Hosea 12:5.Amos 5:15. After the return from captivity "LORD of hosts" occurs fourteen times in Haggai; about fifty in Zechariah; and twenty-five in Malachi. But "LORD God of hosts" is not found in those books.

children. sons.

thrown, &c. Quoted in Romans 11:2; Romans 11:3.

altars. There were lay altars (local) for customary individual offerings by laymen, as well as at Jerusalem. These had no horns.

I. I. Figure of speech Epizeuxis. App-6.

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