Nisroch. Mentioned in the inscriptions.

his sons.. cylinder recently acquired (1910) by, and now in the British Museum, states: "On the twentieth day of the month Tebet (Dee.), Sennacherib, king of Assyria, his son slew him in. rebellion. "The rebellion (it says) lasted till the twenty-eighth of Sivan (June) of next year, "when Esarhaddon his son sat on the throne of Assyria. "The will, or rather deed of gift, of Sennacherib (2 inches by 1, containing eleven lines; in the Kouyoujik Gallery) gives all to Esarhaddon. This probably led to Esarhaddon having afterwards to fight his two brothers, Sennacherib's murderers.

smote him. Some years later; but mentioned here as the sequel to this history.

Armenia. Hebrew Ararat.

Esarhaddon. See note, above.

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