2 Samuel 14:2

TEKOAH. On the edge of the hill country of Judah, south-east of Beth-lehem, about seven miles from Jerusalem (compare Jeremiah 6:1). Abounding in caverns. The abode of Amos.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 14:4

SPAKE TO THE KING. Many codices, with three early printed editions, Septuagint, Syriac, and Vulgate, read "came in unto the king".... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 14:5

A WIDOW. One of nine widows specially me' tioned. See note on Genesis 38:19. MINE HUSBAND IS DEAD. Figure of speech _Synonymia._ App-6. behold. Figure of speech _Asterismos._ App-6. LIFE. soul. Hebrew. _nephesh._ App-13.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 14:11

REMEMBER. recall to mind: i.e. take an oath. THE LORD. Hebrew. _Jehovah._ App-4, GOD. Hebrew. _Elohim_. App-4. REVENGERS. avengers, or next of kin. Hebrew ga'al. See note on Exodus 6:6, and compare Numbers 35:19; Numbers 35:21; Numbers 35:24; Numbers 35:25; Numbers 35:27, NOT ONE HAIR, &c. Figur... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 14:19

HAND. work, or handiwork. Put by Figure of speech _Metonymy_ (of Cause), App-6, for what is wrought by it. SOUL. Hebrew. _nephesh._ App-13. NONE. no man. Hebrew. _'ish._ App-14.... [ Continue Reading ]

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