2 Samuel 16:1

TOP. Compare 2 Samuel 15:32. BEHOLD. Figure of speech _Asterismos._ App-6. MEPHIBOSHETH. Now thirty-one. Born in 965. Compare 2 Samuel 4:4. BOTTLE. skin-bottle (Joshua 9:4.Matthew 9:17; Matthew 9:17). WINE. Hebrew. _yayin._ See App-27.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 16:7

COME OUT. Figure of speech _Epizeuxis_ (App-6): i.e. out -Be-gone! or Get out! BLOODY MAN. man of bloods (plural denoting much blood). THOU MAN OF BELIAL. Compare 1 Samuel 1:16; 1 Samuel 10:27.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 16:10

WHAT HAVE. TO DO... ? First occurrence of this idiom. Figure of speech _Erotesis_ (App-6). Compare 2 Samuel 19:22. 1Ki 17:18. 2 Kings 3:13.Matthew 8:29. Mark I. 24.Luke 4:34.John 2:4. SONS OF ZERUIAH. Compare 2 Samuel 3:39 and Luke 9:55. LET HIM CURSE. Uriah. s murder closed David's mouth (2 Sa [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 16:11

BEHOLD. Figure of speech _Asterismos._ App-6. LIFE. soul. Hebrew. _nephesh._ App-13. HOW MUCH. ? Figure of speech _Erotesis._ App-6.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 16:12

LOOK ON MINE AFFLICTION. This is one of the eighteen emendations of the _Sopherim_ (App-33). The primitive text reads "Jehovah will behold with His eye". This was thought to be too anthropomorphic, and so was altered, and the alteration recorded. REQUITE. Compare Psalms 109:26.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 16:13

MEN. Hebrew. _'enosh._ App-14. CAST DUST. Hebrew "dusted him with dust". Figure of speech _Polyptoton_ (App-6): i.e. cast much dust.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 16:21

SAID. Instigated by feelings of private revenge against David for his sin with Bath-sheba; she being the daughter of his son, ELIAM. See 2 Samuel 23:34. Compare 2 Samuel 11:3. Foretold by Nathan (2 Samuel 12:11; 2 Samuel 12:12).... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 16:23

AS. according as. ORACLE. word. The first occurrence of "oracle" as. rendering (fifteen times) of _dabar,_ word. The holy of holies, because there the word of Jehovah was heard. Other occurrences: see 1 Kings 6:5 1 Kings 6:16, 1 Kings 6:19; 1 Kings 6:20 1 Kings 6:22, 1 Kings 6:23; 1 Kings 6:31; 1 Ki... [ Continue Reading ]

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