2 Samuel 23:1

Chapter 23 follows 24, but is placed here (by the Figure of speech _Hysterologia)_ so as to include David's "last words "with his "song" under his "worship", and make the correspondence shown in the Structure. See p. 414. LAST WORDS. Hence their importance. WORDS. discourse, message, oracle, revel... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 23:2

SPIRIT. _ruach_. App-9. THE LORD. Hebrew. _Jehovah_. App-4. SPAKE: referring to the _substance_ of the Divine revelation. Hebrew. _dabar. to_ utter. See App-73. WORD. Hebrew. _millah._ Used of. royal or divine decree (Psalms 19:14.Daniel 3:22; Daniel 3:28, &c.)... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 23:3

ISRAEL. The higher title (not Jacob), because human instrumentality not in question here. SAID. Here Hebrew. _'amar,_ referring to the _matter_ of the Divine revelation. See App-73. SPAKE. See note on "spike", 2 Samuel 23:2. MEN. Hebrew. _'adam,_ App-14.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 23:4

AND HE SHALL BE. Translate in present tense, describing such an ideal rule. SUN, Compare Psalms 72:6; Psalms 72:7; Psalms 72:16; Jeremiah 23:5; Jeremiah 23:6; Malachi 4:2.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 23:5

ALTHOUGH. For (Hebrew. _ki)_ GOD. Hebrew. _'El._ App-4. YET. for (Hebrew. _ki)_ FOR. (Hebrew. _ki)_. Punctuate and translate. IT. i.e. my house... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 23:8

THE MIGHTY MEN. Hebrew. _gibbor._ App-14. This rehearsal comes at the end of David's reign, immediately before the setting up of the kingdom under SOLOMON. Even so will it be, at the time of the end, with the true David. THE TACHMONITE THAT SAT IN THE SEAT. Authorized Version margin and Revised Ve... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 23:9

THE MEN OF ISRAEL WERE GONE AWAY. This is the time for true courage to be manifested. Compare 2 Samuel 23:11. 2Ti 1:15. 2 Timothy 4:16; 2 Timothy 4:17.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 23:11

SHAMMAH. Like Acts 14:3. INTO. TROOP. Probably. the place, Lehi. LENTILES. See note on 1 Chronicles 11:13. FLED. See note on 2 Samuel 23:9, "gone away".... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 23:17

IS NOT THIS. ? Supply instead "shall. drink? "men. Hebrew. _'nosh._ App-14. IN JEOPARDY OF THEIR LIVES. with their lives [in their hands]. LIVES. souls. Hebrew. _nephesh._ App-13. "Soul "put by Figure of speech _Metonymy_ (of Adjunct), App-6, for "blood", which is another name for it. Compare Gene... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 23:18

ABISHAI. Mentioned in 2 Samuel 10:10; 2 Samuel 10:14. 2Sa 16:9. 2 Samuel 18:2; 2 Samuel 19:21; 1 Samuel 26:6. WAS the [was]. AMONG. of.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 23:19

WAS HE NOT. ? Figure of speech _Erotesis._ App-6. OF THREE. of [the second] three. See the Structure above, and note on 2 Samuel 23:13.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 23:20

LIONLIKE MEN. Men of Ariel. Ariel, proper name, occurs only here and twice in Isaiah 29:1; Isaiah 29:2. A... A... SNOW. All these have the Article, as being. well-known exploit.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 23:21

GOODLY OF APPEARANCE. Hebrew. a sight to see. 1 Chronicles 11:23 stature. WITH HIS OWN SPEAR. Often done now spiritually by the servants of the true David.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 23:24

ASAHEL. The third of the second three. BROTHER OF JOAB, but not Joab. _His name_ here but not _himself,_ because when the time of the end comes. with its "last words", _loyalty_ will be the one test. Joab remained true in Absalom's rebellion, but fell away in Adonijah's. Hence in 1 Corinthians 16:22... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 23:34

THE. Probably "Hanan", the son, &c. (1 Chronicles 11:43), making three named in this verse. SON OF AHITHOPHEL. But not Ahithophel himself, on account of his disloyalty. See note on 2 Samuel 23:24, above.... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 23:39

URIAH. Is doubly honoured, being named with his son; but Joab or Ahithophel are not named. Read. Ter. 2Sa 9:23, 2Sa 9:24. THIRTY AND SEVEN IN ALL: i.e. first three. second three. thirty-one of verses: 2 Samuel 23:24.... [ Continue Reading ]

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