first, &c. = first day of the sabbaths, i.e. the first day for reckoning the seven sabbaths to Pentecost. It depended upon the harvest (Deuteronomy 16:9), and was always from the morrow after the weekly sabbath when the wave sheaf was presented (Leviticus 23:15). In John 20:1 this was the fourth day after the Crucifixion, "the Lord's Passover. "Compare App-156. This was by Divine ordering. But in A.D. 57 it was twelve days after the week of unleavened bread, and therefore more than. fortnight later than in A.D. 29.

the disciples. The texts read "we".

came together. were gathered together, as in Acts 20:8.

break bread. See note on Acts 2:42.

preached. Greek. dialegomai. Often translated "reason". See note on Acts 17:2.

unto. to.

ready. being about. Same as in verses: Acts 20:20; Acts 20:3; Acts 20:13; Acts 20:38,

depart. Greek. exeimi. See note on Acts 13:42.

continued. was extending. Greek. parateino. Only here.

his speech. the word. Greek. logos, as in Acts 20:2.

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