I will send. fire. Compare Amos 1:7; Amos 1:10; Amos 1:12; Amos 2:2; Amos 2:5. Refer to Jeremiah 17:27; Jeremiah 49:27; Jeremiah 50:32.Hosea 8:14.

Hazael. Compare 2 Kings 8:12; 2 Kings 10:32, as; Amo 18:3.

palaces: or fortresses. Hebrew. 'armon. Occurs (in plural) twelve times in Amos (see App-10): Amos 1:4; Amos 1:7; Amos 1:10; Amos 1:12; Amos 1:14; Amos 2:2; Amos 2:5; Amos 3:9; Amos 3:10; Amos 3:11; Amos 6:8. seven times with the verb "devour" (Hebrew. akal).

Ben-hadad. An official title of the Syrian kings. son of Hadad i.e. the sun-god. The Ben-hadad of 2 Kings 13:3. not of 2 Kings 8:7.

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