createth. Some modern critics allege that this word (Hebrew. bara, Genesis 1 Amos 1:1) was not used before the time of Jeremiah; but it is used, besides the Pentateuch, in Psalms 51:10; Psalms 89:12; Psalms 89:47; Psalms 102:18; Psalms 104:30; Psalms 148:5.Ecclesiastes 12:1. and in Isaiah frequently.

wind. Hebrew ruach. App-9.

declareth unto man, &c. Compare Psa 189:2.Daniel 2:28.

man. Hebrew. 'adam. App-14.

That maketh, &c. Compare Amos 5:8; Amos 8:9.

and treadeth, &c. Reference to Pentateuch (Deuteronomy 32:13; Deuteronomy 33:29). App-92. Compare Micah 1:3.

is His name. Reference to Pentateuch (Exodus 15:3). App-92. Compare Amos 5:8; Amos 9:6; Isaiah 47:4.Jeremiah 10:16.

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