a man's uncle. a relative

him i.e. the corpse burneth. See note on Amos 4:10. Here, and 1 Samuel 31:12 are the only two places where burning corpses is mentioned, &c. Both are exceptional cases, but it was the common practice of the Horites (Genesis 14:6; Deuteronomy 2:12; Deuteronomy 2:22) whose remains were found in the excavations at Gezer. See note on 1 Kings 9:15.

bones; i.e. one reduced to. mere skeleton. Compare Job 7:15; Job 19:20.

him that is, &c. i.e. the survivor.

by the sides of. in the midst of, or hinder part.

any: i.e. any alive or dead.

make mention of. call upon, or invoke. Compare Isaiah 26:13; Isaiah 49:1; Isaiah 62:6.

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