pattern. Compare Hebrews 8:5. Not. plan, but. model. The reality is in heaven. So with the temple, later. 1 Chronicles 28:11. With the utmost exactitude certain representative measurements given. Nine others, vital to construction, but not for significance, not given. Probably these Divine silences were to make any unauthorized structures impossible. These nine were: (1) Thickness of sides and bottom of ark; (2) thickness of mercy seat and details of cherubim; (3) thickness of table; (4) dimensions of lampstand; (5) thickness of boards; (6) middle-bar dimensions; (7) size, &c., of rams' skins; (8) ditto badgers' skins; (9) all thick nesses of brazen altar (the third dimension).

tabernacle. Hebrew. mishkan. First occurance. See App-40. Compare Exodus 25:8. Note, in Exodus 25:10 we have furniture, for the worship, within; and in Exodus 26:1 the protection without.

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