Urim and Thummim. No command of God to make these. Only told to put (nathan, to give) them in the breastplate, i.e. into the bag of the breastplate (Compare Exodus 28:26 and Exodus 28:16, also Ch. Exodus 39:9 and Exodus 39:19). This bag was. doubled part, and the Urim and Thummim were probably two precious stones which were drawn out as. lot to give Jehovah's judgment. "The lot is cast into the lap (Hebrew bosom); but the whole judgment thereof is of the Lord" (Proverbs 16:33), Bosom here is put for the clothing or covering over it (compare Exodus 4:6; Exodus 4:7; Ruth 4:16. Chek (bosom). any hollow thing, as of. chariot, 1 Kings 22:35). The Hebrew Minx and Thummim mean "lights" and "per fections". Probably these are the plurals of majesty, the singular "light" (being put by Metonymy for what is brought to light, i.e. guilt), and "perfection" (put by Metonymy for moral perfection, i.e. innocence). Thus, these two placed in the "bag", and one drawn out, would give the judicial decision (the name connected with the breastplate, Compare Exodus 28:15, above), which would be "of the LORD". Hence, the breastplate itself was known as "the breastplate of judgment" (Exodus 28:15), because, by that, Jehovah's judgment was obtained whenever it was needed. Hence, when the land was divided "by lot" (Numbers 26:55, &c.), Eleazar, the high priest, must be present (Numbers 34:17 (p. Exodus 27:21). Joshua 17:4). When he would decide it the lot "came up" (Joshua 18:11); "came forth" (Joshua 19:1); "came out" (Joshua 19:17): i.e. "out", or "forth" from the bag of the ephod. In Ezra 2:61; Nehemiah 7:63, no judgment could be given unless the high priest was present with the breastplate, with its bag, with the lots of Urim and Thummim, which gave Jehovah's decision, "guilty" or "innocent", "yes" or "no". The Hebrew for lot is always goral. a stone, except in Deuteronomy 32:9; 1 Chronicles 16:18 and Psalms 105:11, where it is = hebel -a measuring line, put by Metonymy for the inheritance so measured. In Joshua 13:6; Joshua 23:4.Ezekiel 45:1. Exo 47:22. Exo 48:29, it is naphal, to fall, put by Metonymy for the inheritance which falls to one from any cause. See all the passages where the Urim and Thummim are mentioned: Exodus 28:30; Leviticus 8:8; Deuteronomy 33:8; Numbers 27:2; 1 Samuel 28:6; Ezra 2:63.Nehemiah 7:65, and compare especially the notes on Numbers 26:55, and 1 Samuel 14:4.

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