I gave them also statutes, its. In Hebrew idiom. I suffered others to give them statutes, it,: i.e. in their captivity. Active verbs in Hebrew were used to express not only the doing of the thing, but the permission of the thing which the agent is said to do. The verb nathan, to give, is therefore often rendered to suffer in this sense. See Genesis 31:7; Judges 15:1; 1 Samuel 24:7; 2 Samuel 21:10. Where not so actually rendered it means permission. Compare Ezekiel 14:9 Exodus 4:21; Exodus 5:22.Psalms 16:10; Jeremiah 4:10. The some idiom is used in N.T. (Matthew 6:13; Matthew 11:25; Matthew 13:11.Romans 9:18; Romans 11:7; Romans 11:8; 2 Thessalonians 2:11).

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