hast been. wast.

in Eden. Here is no evidence of. "legend", but. reality. Satan, the Nachash or shining one, was there. See notes on Genesis 3:1, and App-19. Eve was smitten with his beauty as "an angel of light" (2 Corinthians 11:14); and deferred to him as one possessing this "wisdom", and believed his power to make good his promise. Reference to Pentateuch. No mention of Eden since Genesis 4:16; Isaiah 51:3, till here; and none after till Ezekiel 31:9; Ezekiel 31:16; Ezekiel 31:18; Ezekiel 36:35.Isaiah 51:3.Joel 2:3. App-92.

the garden of and. This is added to leave us in no doubt as to what is meant by Eden, and to show that it was no mere "summer residence 'of the "prince" of Tyre, but, the "garden" of Genesis 2:8.

precious stone. Referring to Genesis 2:11; Genesis 2:12.

tabrets. drums. See note on "timbrel" (Exodus 15:20), and compare note on 1 Samuel 10:5.

in the day. See App-18.

thou wart created. Not begotten by man, or born of woman. This can refer only to Satan.

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