SON OF MAN. See note on Ezekiel 2:1.
KNIFE. sword, as in Ezekiel 5:12, and Ezekiel 11:8; Ezekiel 11:10
TAKE THEE. BARBER'S RASOR. as. barber's rasor shalt thou take it. This
is the sign of the Assyrian army; Isaiah 7:20).
THEE. The 1611 edition of the Authorized Version reads "the".... [ Continue Reading ]
IN THE MIDST OF THE CITY. Which he had graven on the brick See the
signification in Ezekiel 5:12,
FULFILLED. completed. Compare Ezekiel 4:8.
A. the. Compare Ezekiel 5:1.
IN to.
WIND. Hebrew ruach. App-9.
DRAW OUT. SWORD, &c. Reference to Pentateuch (Leviticus 26:33).
SWORD. Same word as "knife... [ Continue Reading ]
THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL. As in Ezekiel 4:3.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE LORD GOD. Adonai Jehovah, As in Ezekiel 2:4
THIS IS JERUSALEM. Compare Ezekiel 4:1.... [ Continue Reading ]
CHANGED. rejected, or rebelled against. Compare Ezekiel 20:8; Ezekiel
20:13; Ezekiel 20:21; Numbers 20:24; Numbers 27:14. Hebrew. _march._
Occurs forty-two times in O.T., and rendered "changed" only here. See
notes on Ezekiel 2:3; Ezekiel 2:6.
WICKEDNESS. Hebrew. _rdshii'._ App-44.
THEY: i.e. the... [ Continue Reading ]
MULTIPLIED. rebelled.
STATUTES. See notes on Genesis 26:5.Deuteronomy 4:1.
NEITHER HAVE KEPT. and have not kept.
NEITHER HAVE DONE, &c.: or, "and according to the statutes of the
nations which are round about you have not done". Some codices, with
two early printed editions and Syriac, omit this... [ Continue Reading ]
BEHOLD. Figure of speech _Asterismos,_ App-6.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE FATHERS SHALL EAT, &c.. fathers shall eat, &c. (no Art.) Reference
to Pentateuch (Leviticus 26:29; Deuteronomy 28:53).... [ Continue Reading ]
AS. LIVE. Figures of speech _Deesis_ and _Anthropopatheia._ App-6.
SAITH THE LORD. [is] Jehovah's oracle.
HAST DEFILED. This charge is substantiated in Ezekiel 8.
DIMINISH THEE. So the Western codices. Hebrew. _'egra'_ (with _Resh_.
r). But the Eastern oodices read 'egda' (with _Daleth_. d) =. "I... [ Continue Reading ]
A THIRD PERT, &c. This is the signification of the sign (verses:
Ezekiel 5:1).
PESTILENCE, AND WITH FAMINE. Op. Josephus, _Antiquities_ x, 8. i.
ALL THE WINDS. all quarters, Figure of speech _Metonymy_ (of Adjunct),
App-6.... [ Continue Reading ]
AND. Note the Figure of speech _Polyeyndeton_ (App-6).
I WILL BE COMFORTED. Reference to Pentateuch (Deuteronomy 32:36).
Compare Isaiah 1:24, App-92.
THE LORD. Hebrew. _Jehovah._ App-4.
ZEAL. jealousy.... [ Continue Reading ]
I WILL MAKE THEE WASTE. Reference to Pentateuch (Leviticus 26:31;
Leviticus 26:32). App-92,... [ Continue Reading ]
BE. REPROACH AND. TAUNT, Sc. Reference to Pentateuch (Deuteronomy
28:37, the words being different). App-92.
UNTO. Some codices, with one early printed edition, Septuagint, and
Vulgate, read "in", or "among".... [ Continue Reading ]
I SHALL SAND, &c. Reference to Pentateuch (Deuteronomy 32:23;
Deuteronomy 32:24).
WHICH: or, who.
BREAK YOUR STAFF OF BREAD, &c. Reference to Pentateuch (Leviticus
26:26). App-92. Compare Ezekiel 4:13.... [ Continue Reading ]
SO WILL. SEND, Sc, Reference to Pentateuch (Leviticus
26:22.Deuteronomy 32:24; Deuteronomy 32:24),
I WILL BRING THE SWORD, Re. Reference to Pentateuch (Leviticus 26:25).
App-92. Compare Ezekiel 6:3; Ezekiel 11:8; Ezekiel 11:14; Ezekiel
11:17;... [ Continue Reading ]