THE LORD. Hebrew. _Jehovah._ App-4.
ALMIGHTY GOD. _El Shaddai._ First occ See App-4. This title assures
Abram that He Who had called him was almighty to supply all his need.
Compare first occurance in N.T. (2 Corinthians 6:18), which assures us
of the same supply.
WALK. _continue to walk._... [ Continue Reading ]
EXCEEDINGLY. Figure of speech _Epizeuxis_ (_greatly greatly)_. App-6.... [ Continue Reading ]
FELL. Compare Mary (John 11:32) and contrast Martha (John 11:21).
GOD. _Elohim_, Creator. Used in this ch. (verses: Genesis 17:3;
Genesis 17:9; Genesis 17:15; Genesis 3:18; Genesis 3:22; Genesis 3:23)
because He _creates_ new names (verses:... [ Continue Reading ]
MANY. Emph. Figure of speech _Antimereia_ (of Noun), for emphasis.... [ Continue Reading ]
ABRAHAM. The fifth letter of Hebrew alphabet (= H), put in middle of
his name. No. 5, _Grace._ See App-10. Abram. exalted father; Abraham.
father of. multitude.... [ Continue Reading ]
EXCEEDING. Figure of speech _Epizeuxis_ (_greatly greatly)_. App-6.
NATIONS. Abraham was the progenitor not only of Israel, but of
Ishmaelites, Midianites, Arabians, &c.... [ Continue Reading ]
COVENANT: unconditional.
THY SEED. Here, the collective noun _ser'a_ is shown to be plural by
the words "after thee" (compare verses: Genesis 17:8; Genesis 17:9),
and by the plural pronoun "their generations" (verses: Genesis 17:7;
Genesis 17:9). This is not the verse referred to in Galatians 1:3;
G... [ Continue Reading ]
LAND... STRANGER. Hebrew. _land of thy sojourning!_... [ Continue Reading ]
THY SEED. Still practiced by Ishmaelites and others. Noncircumcision
was the "reproach" of Egypt (Joshua 5:9).... [ Continue Reading ]
EIGHT. the number of Resurrection (App-10); associated here with
circumcision, the sign of _death._... [ Continue Reading ]
FLESH. Figure of speech _Synecdoche,_ for the whole person. App-6.... [ Continue Reading ]
SOUL. Hebrew. _nephesh._ App-13. Figure of speech _Synecdoche,_ for
person.... [ Continue Reading ]
SARAH. The addition of the 5th letter (= H) of Hebrew alphabet (the
No. of _Grace,_ App-10) as in Abraham's case (Genesis 17:5) and
Joshua's (Numbers 13:16). The letter (H) is common to both the names
of Jehovah and Elohim. Sarai. _princely;_ Sarah. _princess._... [ Continue Reading ]
KINGS. Samaritan Pentateuch, Targum of Onkelos, The Targum of Jonathan
ben Uzziel, Septuagint, and Syriac read "and kings".... [ Continue Reading ]
LAUGHED: for joy. Hebrew. _was joyful._ Compare John 8:56, "rejoiced
to see my day... and was glad. "The laughter of faith, Romans 4:19.
Sarah did not fall down as Abraham did, Genesis 17:3.
SHALL, &C. Figure of speech _Erotesis._ (Compare Hebrews 11:12).... [ Continue Reading ]
MIGHT LIVE, as though he thought Ishmael was to die: showing his faith
in Isaac's birth. This is proved from Genesis 17:20.... [ Continue Reading ]
AND. Samaritan Pentateuch, Targum of Onkelos, The Targum of Jonathan
ben Uzziel, Septuagint, Syriac read this "and" in the text.... [ Continue Reading ]
I HAVE HEARD. Showing the subject of Abraham's prayer.
EXCEEDINGLY. Figure of speech _Epizeuxis_ (_greatly greatly)_.... [ Continue Reading ]
ISAAC. Hebrew. _laughter._
SET TIME. See note on Genesis 1:14.... [ Continue Reading ]
CIRCUMCISED. Hence Ishmaelites and kindred nations still practice the
rite.... [ Continue Reading ]
THIRTEEN. Symbolic; and in contrast with Isaac on eighth day. See
App-10, Ishmaelites and Arabians still circumcise in the 13th year.... [ Continue Reading ]