worlds. ages. Greek. aion. App-129.

framed. prepared, as Hebrews 10:5. Greek. katartizo. App-125.

word. Greek. rhema. See Mark 9:32.

God. App-98.

so. to (Greek. eis) the end.

were... made. came into being. Greek. ginomai, to become.

appear. Greek. phaino. App-106. The reference is not to creation, but to the ordering by God of the dispensations, each of which succeeded but did not spring from its predecessor as. plant does from its seed. By rendering aionas as "worlds" here; katertisthai as "framed", instead of "prepared"; and gegonenai as "made", instead of "came into being", or "came to pass", the meaning of this important statement is lost.

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