Israel. Not merely Judah, but the twelve tribes. Not "British" or any other "Israel".

many days. All the days of the present Dispensation; "many" implying length of time; "days" implying the i. limitation.

without. Note the Figure of speech Anaphora (App-6), emphasizing each point, now fulfilled before our eyes.

without. king. Having rejected Messiah (John 19:15). This cannot therefore be interpreted now of any People which has. king.

and. Note the Figure of speech Polysyndeton strengthening the emphasis on each point.

prince. ruler. Hebrew. sar, as in Hosea 8:4.

sacrifice. Hebrew. zabach. App-43. Includes all sacrifices where there is shedding of blood.

an image. Hebrew. mazzebah = any upright standing image. Compare Exodus 23:24; Exodus 34:13.Isaiah 19:19.

ephod. Put by Figure of speech Metonymy (of Adjunct), App-6, for the priest or person who wears it. Reference to Pentateuch (Exodus 28:4). App-92. This was the girdle of the breastplate which contained the "Urim and Thummim", the wearing of which pertained solely to the high priest. Compare 1 Samuel 22:18; 1 Samuel 23:9; Ezra 2:63. and Nehemiah 7:65.

teraphim. idols of any kind. In Hosea 3:3, Jehovah says they shall not "play the harlot": and, now, for (since 426 B.C.) 2,300 years the truth of this has been seen. Reference to Pentateuch (Genesis 31:19; Genesis 31:34; Genesis 31:35).

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