create. Hebrew the Poel Participle of the verb bara' (create) which, with "evil", requires the rendering "bring about". Not the same form as in verses: Isaiah 45:8; Isaiah 45:12, or Isaiah 45:18, in connection with the earth. In Jeremiah 18:11 the verb is yazar, to frame, or mould. In Amos 3:6 it is 'ashah, to bring about.. word of wide meaning; its sense has to be determined by its context. Here, disturbance in contrast with "peace".

evil: never rendered "sin". God brings calamity about as the inevitable consequence of sin. It is rendered "calamity" in Psalms 141:5. "adversity" in 1 Samuel 10:19.

Psalms 94:13.Ecclesiastes 7:14. "grief" in Nehemiah 2:10; Proverbs 15:10..

Ecclesiastes 2:17..

Jonah 4:6. "affliction" in Numbers 11:11. "misery" in Ecclesiastes 8:6. "trouble" in Psalms 41:1. "Sore" in Deuteronomy 6:22. "noisome" in Ezekiel 14:15; Ezekiel 14:21. "hurt" in Genesis 26:29. "wretchedness" in Numbers 11:15

; also "harm", "ill", and "mischief". Compare Jeremiah 18:11, and Amos 3:6. See note on "create", above.

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