THEN. Therefore.
JESUS. App-98.
SIX DAYS, &c.: i.e. on the ninth day of Nisan; our Thursday sunset to
Friday sunset. See App-156.
BEFORE. Greek _pro._ App-104.
TO. unto. Greek. _eis._ App-104.
LAZARUS. See note on John 11:1.
WHICH HAD BEEN DEAD. [L Tr. A]. WI. and Syriac omit these words.
RAI... [ Continue Reading ]
A SUPPER. The first of the three suppers. It was on Saturday evening,
at the close of the Sabbath, on the tenth day of Nisan. See App-157.
MARTHA. Aramaic. See App-94.
SERVED. was serving. Greek _diakoneo._ Occurs twenty- two times in the
Gospels: thirteen times translated "minister" (Matthew 4:11... [ Continue Reading ]
MARY. See App-100.
POUND. Greek. _litra_ Latin. _libra =_ about 12 oz. App-51. Occurs
only here and John 19:39.
OINTMENT. Greek. _muron._ Aromatic balSamaritan Pentateuch
SPIKENARD. See note on Mark 14:3.
ANOINTED. Three anointings are recorded in the Gospels. The first,
probably in Capernaum in... [ Continue Reading ]
OF. out of. Greek. _ek._ App-104.
JUDAS ISCARIOT. See note on John 6:71.
SIMON'S SON. These words are omitted by. Tr. WH. here, but found in
all the texts in John 6:71; John 13:2, and John 26. In some places the
word Iscariot is made to agree with Simon.
SHOULD BETRAY HIM. was about to deliver Hi... [ Continue Reading ]
NOT. Greek. _ou_. App-105.
THREE HUNDRED PENCE. about See App-51.
POOR. See App-127.... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR. concerning. Greek _peri._ App-104.
THIEF. Greek. _kleptes._ The same word as in John 10:1; John 10:8;
John 10:10; Matthew 6:19; Matthew 24:43, &c. Not the same as in
Matthew 21:18; Matthew 26:63; Matthew 27:38;... [ Continue Reading ]
LET HER ALONE, &c.. T Tr.. WI. (not the Syriac) read, "Let her alone,
in order that she may keep it, "&c.
AGAINST. unto. Greek. _eis._ App-104.... [ Continue Reading ]
WITH YOU. among yourselves: i.e. not the outside poor, but the Lord's
WITH. Greek. _meta._ App-104.... [ Continue Reading ]
KNEW. got to know. Greek _ginosko._ App-132. for.
SAKE. on account of. Greek. _dia._ App-104.John 12:2.
THAT. in order that. Greek. _hina._
SEE. Greek. _eidon._ App-133.... [ Continue Reading ]
PUT... TO DEATH. Greek. _apokteino =_ kill. Occurs seventy-five times,
and mostly implies violent death, not by judicial execution. Compare
Matthew 14:5.Luke 9:22; Luke 20:14.Acts 3:19. Act 7:62. Acts
23:12.Revelation 13:10.... [ Continue Reading ]
BY REASON OF. on account of. Greek. _dia,_ as in John 12:8.
WENT AWAY. withdrew: i.e. from the chief priests' faction.
BELIEVED ON. See App-150.... [ Continue Reading ]
ON THE NEXT DAY: i.e. the fourth day before the Passover, the 11th of
Nisan. Our Saturday sunset to Sunday sunset. See App-156. much people.
great crowd.... [ Continue Reading ]
TO MEET FOR (Greek. _eis._ App-104.) meeting. cried. Greek. Imperative
mood of _krazo._ Same word as in John 12:44, but LT Tr.. WH. read
imperative mood of _krazo =_ were shouting out; used once of the Lord,
John 11:43 Other occurances: John 18:40; John 19:6; John 19:15.Matthew
12:19; Matthew 15:22.... [ Continue Reading ]
THEREON. upon (Greek. _epi._ App-104.) it.
WRITTEN. See App-153. Quoted from Zechariah 9:9.... [ Continue Reading ]
NOT. Greek _me._ App-105.
ON. upon. Greek. _epi.App-104._... [ Continue Reading ]
UNDERSTOOD. perceived. Greek. _ginosko._ App-132.
GLORIFIED. Greek. _doxazo._ One of the characteristic words in John
(see p. 1511).
WERE WRITTEN. had been written. Compare John 2:17; John 5:39.
OF. about. Greek. _epi._ App-104.
HAD DONE. did.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE PEOPLE. The crowd.
OUT OF. Greek. _ek._ App-104.
GRAVE. See note on John 11:17.
BARE RECORD. = were testifying. See note on John 1:7.... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR THIS CAUSE. on account of (Greek. _dia._ App-104.) this.
FOR THAT. because. Greek. _hoti, as in verses:_ 6, 11.
MIRACLE. sign. Greek _semeion._ See App-176., and p. 1511.... [ Continue Reading ]
AMONG. Greek. _pros._ App-104.
PERCEIVE. Greek. _theoreo._ App-133. _I. 11._
PREVAIL. profit. Greek. _opheleo._ Occurs fifteen times, always
translated profit, except here; Matthew 27:24; Mark 5:26 and Luke
NOTHING. nothing at all. Greek. _ouk ouden,_. double ne... [ Continue Reading ]
AND, &c. This was the third day before the Passover, 12th of Nisan,
our Sunday sunset to Monday sunset.
GREEKS. Greek. _Hellenes:_ i.e. Gentiles, not Greek-speaking Jews, or
Grecians (Acts 6:1; John 9:29).
AMONG. out of. Greek. _ek._ App-104.
CAME UP. were coming up, according to custom.
WORSHIP... [ Continue Reading ]
PHILIP... OF BETHSAIDA. See App-141. Probably these Greeks were from
Galilee (App-169), and, as Philip bore. Greek name, had some
acquaintance with him.
OF. Greek. _apo._ App-104.
DESIRED. prayed. Greek. _erotao._ App-134.
SIR. Greek. _kurios._ App-98.
WE WOULD SEE. we wish (Greek. _theta._ App-... [ Continue Reading ]
ANDREW. See App-141. Andrew belonged to the first group of the
Apostles, Philip to the second.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE SON OF MAN. App-98 and App-99.... [ Continue Reading ]
VERILY, VERILY. The seventeenth occurance of this double _amen._ See
note on John 1:51.
EXCEPT. If not. Greek. _ean_ (App-118).
A CORN OF WHEAT. the seed-corn of the wheat. The Greek word _kokkos_
occurs seven times: in Matthew 13:31; Matthew 17:20; Mark 4:31.Luke
13:19; Luke 17:6 (of mustard seed... [ Continue Reading ]
LOVETH. Greek. _phileo._ App-135.
LIFE. Greek _psuche._ App-110 and App-170. Compare Matthew 10:39;
Matthew 16:25; Matthew 16:26; Mark 8:35; Luke 9:24; Luke 17:33.
KEEP. guard, or preserve. Greek. _phulasso._ See note on John 17:12.
UNTO. Greek. _eis._ App-104.
LIFE. Greek. _zoe._ App-170.
ETERN... [ Continue Reading ]
MY FATHER. Greek. the Father. App-98.
HONOUR. Greek _timao,_ only used by John, here, John 5:23, and John
8:49.... [ Continue Reading ]
NOW. At this moment. Not the "Now" of John 11:1; John 11:5.
SOUL. Greek. psuche; here used in the personal sense. I myself:
TROUBLED. Compare John 11:33; John 13:21; John 14:1; John 14:27.
AND WHAT SHALL. SAY?, &c. Supply the _Ellipses_ (App-6) that follow,
thus: (Shall. say) "Father, sa... [ Continue Reading ]
HEAVEN (singular) See note on Matthew 6:9; Matthew 6:10.
I HAVE, &c. The Father's name was glorified in the wilderness by the
Son's victory over the "tempter". It was about to be glorified again
by the final victory over Satan, in the contest beginning in
Gethsemane and ending at the empty tomb.... [ Continue Reading ]
THUNDERED, &c. They heard. sound, but could not distinguish what it
was. Compare Acts 9:4; Acts 22:9.... [ Continue Reading ]
ANSWERED, &c. See App-122.
BECAUSE OF. on account of. Greek. _dia._ App-104.John 12:2.
FOR YOUR SAKES. on account of (Greek. _dia._ App-104.) you.... [ Continue Reading ]
JUDGMENT. Greek. _crisis_ (App-177.); i.e. the crisis reached when the
world pronounced judgment against Christ and His claims.
PRINCE. ruler. Greek. _archon;_ applied to Satan as prince of this
world _(kosmos._ App-129.) three times, here, John 14:30, and John
16:11. as prince of the demons in Matt... [ Continue Reading ]
LIFTED UP. Greek _hupsoe._ Occurs twenty times. Always in John refers
to the cross; see John 12:34; John 3:14; John 3:14, and John 8:28. In
fourteen other passages (Matthew 11:23; Matthew 23:12; Matthew
23:12.Luke 1:52; Luke 10:15;... [ Continue Reading ]
WHAT DEATH. what kind of death.
SHOULD DIE. was about to die.... [ Continue Reading ]
WE HAVE HEARD. we heard. The Greek tense (aorist, refers to. definite
time, and may refer to. portion of the law (compare note on John
10:34) read on the Great Sabbath, two days previously. The quotation
is usually referred to Psalms 89:29, but it may rather be Psalms 92
(Psalms 92:1), which is said... [ Continue Reading ]
UNTO. to. them: i.e. the people around Him.
LIGHT. App-130.
WITH. Greek. _meta,_ as in verses: John 12:8; John 12:17, but all the
texts read _en,_ among.
WHILE. All the texts read "as".
LEST DARKNESS. in order that (Greek. _hina)_ dark ness may not (Greek.
_me._ App-105).
COME UPON. seize. Greek... [ Continue Reading ]
IN. on. Greek. _eis._ App-104.
BE. become,
CHILDREN. sons. App-108.
DID HIDE HIMSELF. was hidden.
FROM. away from. Greek. _apo._ App-104.
THEM: i, e. the Greeks of John 12:20. Compare Matthew 10:5.... [ Continue Reading ]
BEFORE. in the presence of. Compare Thess. John 1:3; John 2:19.... [ Continue Reading ]
SAYING. Greek. _logos._ See note on Mark 9:32. This is quoted from
Isaiah 53:1. See note there.
ESAIAS. Greek form of Isaiah.
FULFILLED. Greek _pleroo =_ filled full or accomplished. See John
13:18; John 15:25; John 17:12; John 18:9; John 18:32; John 19:24;... [ Continue Reading ]
THEREFORE. On account of (Greek. _dia._ App-104.) this: i.e. the
unbelief of John 12:37.
COULD NOT. were not able to.
BELIEVE. App-160. Judicial blindness follows persistent unbelief.... [ Continue Reading ]
HE HATH BLINDED, &c. Quoted from Isaiah 6:9; Isaiah 6:10. See notes
there. This was the second occasion of this prophecy being quoted, the
first being in Matthew 18:14 (compare Mark 4:12.Luke 8:10; Luke 8:10),
when the Lord explained why He spoke to the people in parables; the
other two being Acts 2... [ Continue Reading ]
WHEN. Greek _hote._ All the texts read _hoti,_ because.
GLORY. Greek. _doxa._ One of the characteristic words in John's
Gospel. See John 1:14.
OF. concerning. Greek. _peri._ App-104.... [ Continue Reading ]
BE PUT OUT OF THE SYNAGOGUE. become excom municate _(aposunagogoi)._
See note on John 9:22, and Compare John 16:1.... [ Continue Reading ]
LOVED. Greek. _agapao._ App-135.
PRAISE. glory. Same word as in John 12:41.
MEN. Greek _anthropos._ App-123.
GOD. App-98.... [ Continue Reading ]
HE THAT BELIEVETH, &c. Faith in the Lord does not _rest_ in Him, but
passes on to recognize that He is the manifestation of the Father.
Compare John 1:14; John 1:18; John 3:33.
SENT. Greek. _pempo._ App-174.... [ Continue Reading ]
SEETH. Greek. _theoreo._ App-133.... [ Continue Reading ]
I AM COME, &c. Compare John 8:12.... [ Continue Reading ]
WORDS. sayings. Greek. _rhema._ See note on Mark 9:32.
JUDGE. Greek. _krino._ App-122.... [ Continue Reading ]
REJECTETH. Greek. _atheteo._ Occurs sixteen times in twelve passages.
The others are: Mark 6:26; Mark 7:9; Luke 7:30; Luke 10:16; 1
Corinthians 1:19; Galatians 1:2; Galatians 1:21. Gal 3:15. 1
Thessalonians 4:8; 1 [ Continue Reading ]
I HAVE NOT SPOKEN OF MYSELF: i.e. from Myself. The Lord's constant
claim was that His very words were what the Father had given Him to
speak. Compare John 3:34; John 7:16; John 8:28; John 8:47; John 14:10;
John 14:24; John 17:8; John 17:14.
SAY. Greek. _eipon. This_ has to do with the matter, or su... [ Continue Reading ]
HIS COMMANDMENT, &c. Figure of speech _Ellipsis._ App-6. The result of
obeying His commandment is life everlasting. Compare 1 John 3:23; 1
John 5:11.
EVERLASTING. Greek. _aionios._ Same as "eternal" in John 12:25. See
App-151.... [ Continue Reading ]