NOW. Not the same word as in John 12:27; John 12:31, expressing. point
of time, but. particle (Greek. de) introducing. new subject.
BEFORE. Greek. _pro._ App-104. The preparation day, the 14th day of
Nisan, our Tuesday sunset to Wednesday sunset, the day of the
Crucifixion. See App-156,
FEAST. See... [ Continue Reading ]
SUPPER. The last supper recorded. See App-157.
BEING ENDED. In view of John 13:26, Alford's translation, "supper
having been served, "is preferable to Authorized Version and Revised
Version renderings. It means "supper being laid". Washing would
naturally _precede_ the meal Compare Luke 7:44.
THE... [ Continue Reading ]
HAD GIVEN. &c. These statements of His divine origin, authority, and
coming glory, are made so as to enhance the amazing condescension of
the service to which He humbled Himself to do the office of.
COME. come forth. Compare John 8:42; John 16:30; John 17:8.
FROM. Greek _apo._ App-104.... [ Continue Reading ]
RISETH. App-178. from. Greek. _ek._ App-104.
SUPPER. supper table (as we should say), i.e., after they had taken
their places.
GARMENTS, i.e. the outer garment. Greek. _himation,_ translated "robe
"in John 19:2; John 19:6. This was removed for working, and for
sleeping was often used as. coverlet.... [ Continue Reading ]
POURETH. putteth, same word as in John 13:2.
WASH. Greek. _nipto._ App-136.
WIPE. Greek. _ekmasso._ Occurs elsewhere, John 11:2; John 12:3.Luke
7:38; Luke 7:44.... [ Continue Reading ]
THEN.. Therefore.
SIMON PETER. App-141. Peter. No word for Peter. Some substitute
_ekeinos (he, -_ emphatic), but. T Trm.. WI. reject it.
LORD. Greek. _kurios._ App-98.
THOU... MY. The pronouns are emphatic.... [ Continue Reading ]
NOT. Greek. _ou._ App-105.
NOW. Greek. _arti. just_ now.
KNOW. get to know. Greek. _ginosko._ App-132.
HEREAFTER. after (Greek. _meta._ App-104.) these things.... [ Continue Reading ]
NEVER. by no means (Greek. _ou me._ App-105)
UNTO THE AGE (Greek. _eis ton aiona._ App-151).
IF. Greek. _ean,_ with subj. App-118.
NOT. Greek _me._ App-105.
NO. not (App-105.) any.
WITH. Greek. _meta._ App-104.... [ Continue Reading ]
WASHED. bathed. Greek. _louo._ App-186. Note the distinction between
washing the whole body, and washing only. part of it. Compare 1
Corinthians 6:11.
CLEAN. Greek. _katharos._ Occurs twenty-seven times, translated ten
times "clean", sixteen "pure", and once "clear "(Revelation 21:18).
free from im... [ Continue Reading ]
SHOULD BETRAY HIM. the one who is betraying Him.
THEREFORE. on account of (Greek. _dia._ App-104.)... [ Continue Reading ]
SO AFTER. When therefore.
WHAT. what [it is].... [ Continue Reading ]
CALL ME. address Me as. Greek. _phoneo,_ always used of calling with
the voice _(phone)._ Compare John 11:28; John 12:17. and compare
kaleo, Luke 6:46; Luke 15:19.
MASTER (Greek. _didaskalos) =_ Teacher. See App-98 and compare Matthew
26:25; Matthew 26:49.
LORD. App-98.
YE SAY WELL. Would that Chr... [ Continue Reading ]
IF THEN. Therefore if (App-118. a) L
YOUR. the.
OUGHT, &c. By Figure of speech _Synecdoche_ (App-6) the act of
feet-washing is put for the whole circle of offices of self-denying
love. Literal feet-washing was not known before the fourth cent. A.D.... [ Continue Reading ]
EXAMPLE. Greek. _hupodeigma._ Occurs Hebrews 4:11; Hebrews 8:5;
Hebrews 9:23, &c.... [ Continue Reading ]
VERILY, VERILY. The eighteenth occurance of this solemn expression.
See John 1:51. Three more occurances in this chapter: John 13:20; John
13:21; John 13:38.
SERVANT. bond-servant. Greek. _doulos._ Once applied to the Lord
(Philippians 1:2; Philippians 1:7). Frequent in Paul's epistles. lord.
'Gree... [ Continue Reading ]
OF =
CONCERNING. Greek _peri._ App-104.
HE THAT, &c. Quoted from Psalms 41:9.
BREAD. Greek. the bread, i.e. My bread. In. pastoral letter of an
Egyptian bishop about 600 A. n. on. Coptic _ostracon_ this verse is
quoted from the Septuagint, "He that eateth _My_ bread", &c.
(Deissmann, _Light from... [ Continue Reading ]
NOW. From now. Greek. _ap_. (App-104.) _anti._ Compare John 14:7 and
Matthew 26:29.
BELIEVE. App-150.
I AM. Omit "He", and Compare John 8:28; John 8:58; John 18:5.... [ Continue Reading ]
TROUBLED. See John 11:33.
SPIRIT. App-101.
OF. out of. Greek. _ek._ App-104.... [ Continue Reading ]
LOOKED. Greek. _blepo._ App-133.
ON. towards. Greek. _eis._ App-104.
SPLICE. is speaking.... [ Continue Reading ]
LEANING. reclining. Greek. _anakeimai,_ generally translated "sat at
meat"; Compare John 13:28. Reclining on the divan, his head towards
the Lord's bosom, John was in the favoured position, on the Lord's
right hand, Judas being on His left.
ON. in _(Greek. en,_ as in John 13:1).
BOSOM. Greek. _kolp... [ Continue Reading ]
BECKONED. signed or nodded. Greek _neuo._ Only here and Acts 24:10.
that he should ask _who_ it should be.. T Tr.. H. read, "and saith to
him,`Say who it is '".... [ Continue Reading ]
LYING. lying back. Not the same word as "leaning" in John 13:23. Peter
was beyond Judas, and leaning back signed to John behind the Lord.
ON. Greek. _epi._ App-104.
BREAST. Greek. _stethos._ Not the same word as "bosom" in John 13:23.
Occurs only here; John 21:20; Luke 18:13; Luke 23:48; Revelatio... [ Continue Reading ]
SOP. Greek. _psomion, a_ morsel. Only occurances here and verses: John
13:27; John 13:30. It was. mark of honour for the host to give.
portion to one of the guests. The Lord had appealed to the conscience
of Judas in John 13:21, now He appeals to his heart.... [ Continue Reading ]
AFTER. Greek. _meta._ App-104.
SATAN. The only occurance of this title in John. Before this clause in
the Greek is the word _tote,_ then, marking the point of time; it is
strangely ignored in the Authorized Version It is significant that the
rejection of the Lord's last appeal hardened Judas, so th... [ Continue Reading ]
NO MAN AT THE TABLE. no one (Greek. _oudeis)_ of those reclining
(Greek. _anakeimai)._ See John 13:23.
FOR WHAT INTENT. with. view to (Greek. _pros._ App-104.) what.
SPAKE THIS UNTO HIM. spake to him.... [ Continue Reading ]
THOUGHT. were thinking.
BAG. See note on John 12:6.
HAD SAID. saith.
AGAINST. for. Greek. _eis._ App-104.
THE FEAST: i.e. the feast beginning at the close of Passover, when the
high day, 15th of Nisan, began (App-156).
POOR. Greek. _ptochos._ See 12.. and App-127.... [ Continue Reading ]
HE. That One. Greek. _ekeinos,_ emphatic. immediately. Greek
_eutheos,_. very common word in Mark's Gospel. Occurance in John only
here, John 5:9; John 6:21 and John 18:27. L. Tr.. WI. read _euthus,_
as in John 13:32.
NIGHT: i.e. about the third hour of the night, 9pm, Tuesday night. See
App-165.... [ Continue Reading ]
THEREFORE, WHEN. When therefore.
HE WAS GONE OUT. he went out.
NOW. Greek. _nun._ See John 12:27.
GLORIFIED.. characteristic word in this Gospel. See John 11:4; John
12:16; John 12:23; John 12:28; John 17:1, &c.... [ Continue Reading ]
IF. App-118. [L Tr. A) WH. omit the conditional clause.
STRAIGHTWAY. Greek. _euthus._ See note on John 13:30.... [ Continue Reading ]
LITTLE CHILDREN. Greek _teknion._ App-108. Only occurance here,
Galatians 1:4; Galatians 1:19 (where the reading is doubtful), and in
John's first Epistle.
A LITTLE WHILE. Compare John 7:33; John 7:34; John 14:19; John 16:16.
AS. even as.
THE JEWS. The Lord uses this expression only here, John 4:2... [ Continue Reading ]
NEW. Greek. _kainos._ See note on Matthew 9:17.... [ Continue Reading ]
BY. In. Greek. _en._ App-104.
LOVE. Greek _agape._ App-135.
ONE TO ANOTHER. among (Greek. _en)_ yourselves. Compare the only other
place in the Gospels where _en allelois_ occurs (Mark 9:50).... [ Continue Reading ]
ME. All the texts omit.... [ Continue Reading ]
NOW. just now. Greek. _arti._
LAY DOWN, &c. Compare John 10:11; John 10:15; John 15:13; 1 John 3:16.
LIFE. Greek. _psuche._ App-110.
FOR THY SAKE. on behalf of (Greek. _huper._ App-104.) Thee.... [ Continue Reading ]
ANSWERED HIM. All the texts read, "answereth". The. A.
NOT. by no means. Greek. _ou me._ App-105.
CROW. Greek. _phoneo._ Same word as in John 13:13.
DENIED. utterly denied (Greek. _aparneumai),_ always of denying.
person, as in Mat 26:84, Matthew 26:35; Matthew 26:75.Mark 14:30; Mark
14:31; Mark 1... [ Continue Reading ]