branch. Greek. klema. Only here, and verses: John 15:4; John 15:5; John 15:6.

in. Greek en. App-104. not. Greek. me. App-106.

taketh away. raiseth. Greek. airo. Occurs 102 times, and translates more than forty times, take up, lift up, &c. Take away is. secondary meaning, see the Lexicons. Compare Matthew 4:6; Matthew 16:24.Luke 17:13.Revelation 10:5; Revelation 18:21, and Psalms 24:7; Psalms 24:9 (Septuagint)

purgeth. cleanseth. Greek kathairo. Occurs only here, and Hebrews 10:2. Of the two kinds of branches, the fruitless and the fruitful, He raises the former from grovelling on the ground, that it may bear fruit, and cleanses the latter that it may bear more fruit.

that. in order that. Greek. hina.

bring forth. bear. Same word as in the two previous clauses.

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