shall. will.

put you out, &c.. make you excommunicate. Greek. aposunagogos. Occurs only here; John 9:22. and John 12:42. Compare John 9:34; John 9:35.

killeth. See Acts 7:59; Acts 12:2; Acts 23:12; Acts 26:10.

doeth, &c.. is presenting an offering to God. See Acts 26:9.

God. App-98.

service. Greek. latreia, technical word for an "offering". Occurs five times: here; Romans 9:4; Romans 12:1.Hebrews 9:1; Hebrews 9:6. In the Septuagint five times: Exodus 12:25; Exodus 12:26; Exodus 13:5. Jos 22:27. 1 Chronicles 28:13.

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