WORDS. things; i.e. from John 13:31 to John 16:33.
JESUS. App-98.
TO. unto. Greek. _eis._ App-104.
HEAVEN. the heaven (singular) See on Matthew 6:9; Matthew 6:10.
FATHER. App-98. See on John 1:14.
HOUR. Compare John 12:23; John 12:27; John 13:1.
GLORIFY. [ Continue Reading ]
AS. Even as.
POWER. authority. App-172.
OVER ALL FLESH. Literally of: i.e. in relation to (App-17.) all flesh.
Compare Isaiah 40:5.Luke 3:6; Acts 2:17.
ETERNAL. App-151.
LIFE. App-170.
TO AS MANY, &c. Literally everything that Thou hast given Him, to
them. Seven times in this prayer His people a... [ Continue Reading ]
THIS, &c. Not. definition of eternal life, but the purpose (Greek.
_hina, as_ in John 17:1) for which it is given.
KNOW. App-132.
TRUE. App-175., and p. 1511.
GOD. App-98.
SENT. App-174. Christ said to be the sent One six times in this
prayer, forty-three times in John; _a... [ Continue Reading ]
ON. Greek. _epi._ App-104.
EARTH. App-129.
I HAVE FINISHED. The texts read "having finished". Compare John 4:34;
John 5:36; John 19:30.
GAVEST. hast given.
TO DO. in order that (Greek. _hina,_ as in John 17:1). should do it.... [ Continue Reading ]
NOW. Greek. _nun,_ as in John 13:31.
WITH. beside. Greek. _para._ App-104.
GLORY. Greek. _doxa._ See p. 1511.
BEFORE. Greek. _pro._ App-104.
WORLD. App-129.... [ Continue Reading ]
HAVE MANIFESTED. manifested.
NAME. Compare verses: it, 12, 26. Exodus 34:5.Psalms 9:10; Psalms 20:1
(see note there).
UNTO. to.
MEN. App-123.
GAVEST. Compare John 17:2; John 6:37; John 12:32.
OUT OF. Greek. _ek._ App-104. kept. Greek. _tereo._ This word is used
in these Chapter s twelve times: J... [ Continue Reading ]
OF. from. Greek. _para._ App-104.... [ Continue Reading ]
WORDS. Greek. _rhema._ See Mark 9:32.
HAVE RECEIVED. received.
SURELY. truly. Greek. _alethos._ Compare App-175.
FROM. Greek. _para,_ as in John 17:7.
HAVE BELIEVED. believed. App-150.... [ Continue Reading ]
PRAY. ask. Greek. _erotao._ App-134. The Lord uses this word eight
times in these Chapter s: John 14:16; John 16:5; John 16:23; John
16:26; John 17:9; John 17:9; John 17:15; John 17:20. The word _aiteo,_
used of an inferior addressing. superior, Occurs Jo [ Continue Reading ]
ALL MINE ARE THINE, &c.. all things that are Mine are Thine, &c. This
is. claim of perfect equality. Everything belonging to the Father,
from essential being to works, the Son claims as His own. Luther says,
"Any man can say. All mine is Thine', but only the Son can say 'All
that is Thine is Mine..... [ Continue Reading ]
NOW... NO MORE. no longer. Greek. _ouketi._
TO. unto. Greek. _pros._ App-104.
HOLY FATHER. When speaking of Himself, the Lord says, "Father",
verses: John 1:5; John 1:21; John 1:24. when speaking of His
disciples, "Holy Father"; when speaking of the world, "Righteous
Father", John 17:25. The holin... [ Continue Reading ]
WHILE. When. with. Greek. _meta._ App-104.
IN THE WORLD. All the texts omit.
THOSE THAT. As in John 17:11, all the texts put the relative in the
singular, and read "in Thy name that Thou gayest Me, and. kept them".
HAVE KEPT. kept (Greek. _phulasso),_ i.e. guarded. Compare Luke 2:8
(keep watch).... [ Continue Reading ]
THY WORD. In John 17:6 the word is "kept", here it is "given"; in John
17:17 its character is stated, "truth".
HATH HATED. hated.... [ Continue Reading ]
FROM. out of. Greek. _ek,_ as in the former clause. the evil. the evil
one. See on Matthew 6:13. Compare 1 John 5:19. Three things the Lord
requested for His disciples: to be kept from the evil one, to be
sanctified through the truth (John 17:17), and to behold His glory
(John 17:24).... [ Continue Reading ]
SANCTIFY. Hallow. Greek. _hagiam._ Separation is the idea of the word
"holy". See note on Exodus 3:5.
THY. All the texts read "the".
TRUTH. The truth is the great separating force. Compare Matthew 10:35.
THY WORD, &c.. The word that is Thine is the truth. The Incarnate and
revealed Words alike. Co... [ Continue Reading ]
AS. Even as.
HAST SENT. didst send.
INTO. Greek. _eis._ App-104.
HAVE... SENT. sent.... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR THEIR SAKES. on behalf of (Greek. _huper._ App-104.) them.
I SANCTIFY MYSELF. I dedicate or consecrate Myself. This shows the
meaning of sanctify; not making holy as to moral character, but
setting apart for God. The Lord was the antitype of all the offerings,
which were holy unto Jehovah.
MIG... [ Continue Reading ]
NEITHER. Not, (Greek. _ou_. App-105).
SHALL BELIEVE. All the texts read "believe".
BELIEVE ON. App-150.
THROUGH. Greek. _dia._ App-104.... [ Continue Reading ]
HAST SENT. didst send (Aor.)... [ Continue Reading ]
GAYEST. Here the reading should be "hast given".... [ Continue Reading ]
MADE PERFECT. perfected. Greek. _teleioo._ Same word as "finish" in
John 17:4.
IN. into. Greek. _eis._ App-104.
AND. All omit.
HAST SENT. didst send.
HAST LOVED. lovedst.
LOVED. Greek. _agapao._ See p. 1511.
AS. even as.... [ Continue Reading ]
WILL. Greek. _thelo._ App-102. Compare John 12:21; John 15:7; John
BEHOLD. Greek. _theoreo._ App-133. Compare John 2:23,
THE FOUNDATION, &c. See App-146.... [ Continue Reading ]
RIGHTEOUS FATHER. See on John 17:11.
HATH NOT KNOWN THEE. knew Thee not. See John 8:55.Romans 1:18. 1Co
1:21. 1 Corinthians 2:8.
HAST SENT. didst send.... [ Continue Reading ]
HAVE DECLARED. declared: i.e. made known. Greek. _gnorizo._ See John
15:15, the only other occurance in John. Kindred word to _ginosko_
(App-132.) and _gnosis,_ knowledge.
LOVE. Greek. _agape._ App-136.
HAST LOVED. lovedst. This whole chapter beautifully illustrates Psalms
119 and Psalms 138:2.... [ Continue Reading ]