And, &c. The kai (= And) here is. Hebraism, and does not mark the actual transition. There is nothing whatever in the context to show where the Paragraph breaks should be in this chapter; either in the MSS., or in the Versions. The Authorized Version varies in its different editions. The Authorized Version text in the Revised Version Parallel Bible has. at John 3:14 and John 3:16. The Camb. Paragraph Bible (Dr. Scrivener) has no break either at verses: John 3:3; John 3:14 or 16. The Revised Version has. break only at John 3:16, with WI and Scrivener's Greek Text. The Companion Bible makes the important break at John 3:13, (1) because the Past Tenses which follow indicate completed events; (2) because the expression "only begotten Son "is not used. y the Lord of Himself; but only by the Evangelist (John 1:14; John 1:18; John 3:16; John 3:18; 1 John 4:9); (3) because "in the name of" (John 3:18) is not used by the Lord, but by the Evangelist (John 1:12; John 2:23; 1 John 5:13); (4) because to do the truth (John 3:21) Occurs elsewhere only in 1 John 1:6. (5) because "Who is in heaven "(John 3:13) points to the fact that the Lord had already ascended at the time John wrote; (6) because the word "lifted up" refers both to the "sufferings. (John 3:14; John 8:28; John 12:32; John 12:34) and to "the glory which should follow" (John 8:28; John 12:32.Acts 2:33; Acts 5:31); and (7) because the break at John 3:13 accords best with the context, as shown by the Structure B, above.

hath ascended. hath gone up (of himself). It does not say: "hath been taken up by God, "as Enoch and Elijah. But Christ had "gone up" when the Evangelist wrote these words. ascended. Greek. anabaino. As in John 1:51; John 2:13; John 5:1; John 7:8, &c. Matthew 20:17; Mark 6:51.Romans 10:6.

to. into. Greek. eis. App-104. Compare Deuteronomy 30:12.Proverbs 30:4.Acts 2:34.Romans 10:6; Ephesians 4:10.

heaven. the heaven. See note on Matthew 6:9; Matthew 6:10.

but. except, literal. if not. Greek. ei me.

came down. Greek katabaino. The opposite of "gone up".

from. out of. Greek. ek. App-104. Not the same word as in John 3:2.

the Son of Man. See App-98.

Which is, &c. Who is, &c., and was there when John wrote. This clause is in the Syriac, but is omitted by WI, and put by Revised Version in the margin. Omit "even".

in. Greek. en. App-104.

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